[ruckus] A bit breezy
AO: ruckus Q: Dunkin PAX: Cartel, Dunkin, Airtag, Hatchet, U-Haul, Paddington, Catfish, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 8 We rucked and talked and got to know each other a bit better. :muscle:
[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door: John 19:17:30
AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Greg Knull PAX: Damascus, The Apprentice (jake byrum), Hatchet, Shop Dawg, Dunkin, Elmer’s, U-Haul, Dave Rubright, Steven L Purvis, Grungie (Michael), Greg Knull, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 12 We talked britches, Canadian tuxedoes, and the good word. Excellent job leading by Greg. :muscle: