[_3rd-f-bible-study] Sanctuary: Spirit and truth
AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Radar PAX: Snowflake, Das Boot, Blue Screen of DEATH, Chopper, ChatterBox, Radar, Professor, Professor X, Angel, Student FNGs: None COUNT: 10 What had happened was: We discussed the last chapter on the devil’s schemes. Great tools for the fight, Quiet prayer and Scripture.
[_playhouse] Everybody wants to be a Clydsdale – Tip the Scales!
AO: _playhouse Q: Foundation PAX: Hollywood, Dasher – Jeff Green, Fuse Box, Rain Man, Bottlecap, Shriver, Ice9, Singlet – Justin Nelson, Retiree, Rooster, Hooch – Bret Turner, Deadwood, Chastain, Zinfandel, 0 FNGs: 1 0 COUNT: 15 Per my pre-blast Ignition was supposed to be an opportunity for the big-boned brethren to experience life without getting […]
[border_patrol] 3 braved torrential rain, freezing temps, and almost total darkness
AO: border_patrol Q: Damascus PAX: Damascus, Kid Rock, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal FNGs: None COUNT: 3 What had happened was: They were dumb and crazy but at least they were there…..
[flash] Flashing it
AO: flash Q: Chicken Little PAX: Easy Button, Chicken Little, Inspector Gadget, ChatterBox, Falcon, Gerber, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Hi-Hat, Twinkle Toes FNGs: None COUNT: 9 What had happened was: today was a day of no fluff just work and the PAX brought it.. tour de Library with the following items Merkins , bomb jacks, dry […]
[the_lycan] Well done. Kinda
AO: the_lycan Q: Hatchet PAX: Dunkin, Hatchet, Dana, Elmer’s, Draper, Premature, Noonan, Rockwell, Das Boot, Deep Dish, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: Hard to believe maybe. I had it planned out well in my head. Mind was a little foggy this am. I was missing that extra minute of sleep. I […]