[flash] Short lap, Nah… Hot Lap!

AO: flash Q: Inspector Gadget PAX: Falcon, Zinfandel, Das Boot, Gerber, Inspector Gadget, Mad Dog, Schneider/Tom Evans, U-Haul, Chainsaw, Hi-Hat, Twinkle toes, Snooki FNGs: None COUNT: 12 What had happened was: Last minute substi-Q for mad dog who was in the IR and rucked instead. U-haul also rucked. The other 10 of us got in […]

[flash] Flashing it

AO: flash Q: Chicken Little PAX: Easy Button, Chicken Little, Inspector Gadget, ChatterBox, Falcon, Gerber, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Hi-Hat, Twinkle Toes FNGs: None COUNT: 9 What had happened was: today was a day of no fluff just work and the PAX brought it.. tour de Library with the following items Merkins , bomb jacks, dry […]

[flash] Flashing through Cutty

AO: flash Q: Hollywood PAX: fugitive, ChatterBox, Falcon, Hollywood, Zinfandel, Schneider/Tom Evans, Inspector Gadget, Shriver, Mad Dog FNGs: None COUNT: 9 What had happened was: Audible to grab Mad Dog who lives 300 feet away and was still somehow late. Warmed up with high reps of various exercises at some of the regular spots. Thang: […]

[flash] Flash Friendly

AO: flash Q: Rain Man PAX: Shriver, Chainsaw, Falcon, Inspector Gadget, Mad Dog, Rain Man FNGs: None COUNT: 6 What had happened was: lots of reps of various exercises, barely any running to my standards, and we definitely had more fun than Foundation chasing his Schnitzel!

[flash] Audibles

AO: flash Q: Schnitzel PAX: Mad Dog, Zinfandel, Tanyatine-Tim Braun, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Schneider/Tom Evans, Falcon, Spitz FNGs: None COUNT: 8 What had happened was: It was my third workout this year (I believe), so it was hard to gauge how long exercises take – hence „a few“ audibles! :see_no_evil: Mosey to Rudy‘s […]

[flash] Singing in the Rain

AO: flash Q: Tron PAX: Dunkin, Black Hat, Falcon, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 5 What had happened was: Ah, gather ‘round for a tale of sweat and cheer, Where the PAX gather around and share laughter and a beer! (except for those doing a challenge of course) On a wet and wild morn, not in […]

[flash] Holiday hours

AO: flash Q: Chainsaw PAX: Hatchet, U-Haul, Pyro, Chainsaw, Inspector Gadget, Falcon, Rocketman, Mad Dog, squirts, Elmer’s, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Fuse Box FNGs: None COUNT: 12 MY NAME IS CHAINSAW AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. I’M NOT TOO OLD TO Q BUT I AM TOO OLD TO HAVE TO WRITE BACKBLASTS SO I […]

[flash] Driveway Dance

AO: flash Q: Shriver PAX: Falcon, Mad Dog, Hooch – Bret Turner, Posse, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Inspector Gadget, Tron, Zinfandel, Chunky Soup, Chainsaw, Xerox, Schneider FNGs: None COUNT: 13 What had happened was: Mosey to the library for warmups then head to Lawson for a plethora of exercises at alternating driveways on different streets. One […]

[flash] Hooch and FuseBox Talks about the Kama Sutra

AO: flash Q: Punxsy – Shawn Chen PAX: Posse, Chainsaw, Zinfandel, Ice9, Schnitzel, Hooch – Bret Turner, Shriver, Inspector Gadget, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Rubbermaid, Fuse Box, Blue Screen of DEATH, Cliffhanger, Glidah FNGs: None COUNT: 15 What had happened was: We did some moseying around Cutty, including some leg burn workouts (lunges + […]

[flash] Bueller….

AO: flash Q: Inspector Gadget PAX: Schnitzel, Falcon, Chainsaw, Doughboy, Inspector Gadget FNGs: None COUNT: 5 What had happened was: It was cold, we kept moving and got in some good mileage with the usual mix. Holiday hours rule!