[ruckus] A walk through the woods

AO: ruckus Q: Dunkin PAX: U-Haul, Cartel, Hatchet, SOGGY, Shriver, Dunkin FNGs: None COUNT: 6 We rucked through the woods and had some great conversations. :muscle:

[_3rd-f-service] Christmas workday, day 1

AO: _3rd-f-service Q: Bratwurst PAX: Titanium Plates, Endo, Peaches, Cartel, Roomba, Twinkle toes, Cableguy, Das Boot, Stretcher, Buffet FNGs: None COUNT: 11 Great job on Day 1 of the Christmas bike giveaway for Christ Closet. Some tough bikes to get through today, but we still managed almost 20 bike for the kids. Even a couple […]

[_bike] OTC

AO: _bike Q: Stretcher PAX: Juice, Hall Monitor, Titanium Plates, Twinkle toes, Rag, Paul Boskovich – Kodak, Cableguy, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Kick Stand, Cartel, Damascus, Stretcher, Buffet, Tron, Breezer, Cottonmouth, Bratwurst, Shamrock, Chewey FNGs: None COUNT: 19 What had happened was: The sun has set on the 2024 OTC season. Thank you to […]

[_bike] OTB

AO: _bike Q: Endo , Bratwurst, Stretcher PAX: Titanium Plates, Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Stretcher, Paul Boskovich – Kodak, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Carb Load, Buffet, Juice, Mustard, Hall Monitor, Cartel, Crikey, Kick Stand, Rockwell, Southern Tip – Brent, Rag, Breezer, Bratwurst, Cottonmouth, Dasher – Jeff Green, Tron, Cableguy, Endo, Chewey, Chelsey FNGs: None […]

[_bike] Mount Titanium Elevation 560 feet

AO: _bike Q: Endo , Tron, Peaches PAX: Titanium Plates, Peaches, Mustard, Juice, Kick Stand, Bratwurst, Rag, Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Cableguy, Breezer, Mullet/David, Magnolia, Buffet, Dasher – Jeff Green, Hi-Hat, Tron, Cartel, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Carb Load, Damascus, Stretcher, Twinkle toes, Endo, Chelsey, Chewy, Shamrock FNGs: None COUNT: 26 What had happened […]

[off_the_chain] Nah man Im pretty far from ok

AO: off_the_chain Q: Titanium Plates , Kick Stand PAX: Cartel, Bratwurst, Carb Load, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Breezer, Hall Monitor, Mustard FNGs: None COUNT: 9 What really happened was an old fashioned butt kicking ride. Thank you sir may I have another? https://youtu.be/d8K16dt174g?si=Ps8F4tY7ekmQF31a Another epic adventure with off the chain as we sailed the […]

[ruckus] Recovery Ruckus

AO: ruckus Q: Shriver PAX: Cartel, Dunkin, Fester, Animal Chris VanDruff, Pinto, Shriver, @Red Zeppi, @Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 8 What had happened was: while a little late back to COT, 8 pax enjoyed good conversation throughout Champion Forest and Lawson.

[ruckus] Downed trees? No worries.

AO: ruckus Q: Dunkin PAX: Fester, Cartel, Pyro, U-Haul, Posse, Animal Chris VanDruff, Pinto, Shriver, Dunkin, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 10 We rucked around the Five Stones trails and a bit of Champion Forest neighborhood, trying to avoid some of the downed trees on the trail. :evergreen_tree: Welcome back to Pinto! :punch: And great job […]

[gumby] Cool Broga

AO: gumby Q: Paper Jam PAX: Cartel, Rooster, Draper, Pyro, Paper Jam FNGs: None COUNT: 5 What had happened was: 5 PAX enjoyed the cool weather with some hot stretches.

[_bike] The Real Slim Shady

AO: _bike Q: Endo , Titanium Plates, Rockwell, Tron PAX: Cartel, Mustard, Juice, Carb Load, Titanium Plates, Maple Syrup, Rockwell, Dasher – Jeff Green, Kick Stand, Bratwurst, Tron, Mullet/David, Twinkle toes, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Chastain, Rag, Roomba, Buffet, Stretcher, Peaches, Endo, Shamrock, Chelsey, Chewey FNGs: None COUNT: 24 What had happened was: 24 […]