[convergence] We’re Running?
AO: convergence Q: Seabass- Tim Carey PAX: Dunkin, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Mad Dog, Twinkle toes, Rubbermaid, ChatterBox, Retiree, Hi-Hat, One Star, Bottlecap, Hatchet, U-Haul, Rain Man, Hot Yoga, Goodfella, Cartel, Kilo – Gareth Davies, Black Hat, Damascus, Deep Dish, Smithers, Ragdoll, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Chastain, Zinfandel, Tanyatine-Tim Braun, Singlet – Justin […]
[ruckus] A bit breezy
AO: ruckus Q: Dunkin PAX: Cartel, Dunkin, Airtag, Hatchet, U-Haul, Paddington, Catfish, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 8 We rucked and talked and got to know each other a bit better. :muscle:
[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door: John 19:13-16
AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: The Apprentice (jake byrum) PAX: The Apprentice (jake byrum), Damascus, McGruff, Greg Knull, Cartel, Draper, Dave Rubright, Elmer’s, Steven L Purvis, Dunkin, Grungie (Michael), Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 12 Jake led 12 pax (Damascus had to leave early) through a few verses of John 19. Lots of good discussion. Awesome job Bro! […]
[ruckus] Ruckus
AO: ruckus Q: Deadwood PAX: Paddington, Rain Man, U-Haul, Gerber, Shriver, Pinto, Cartel, Fester, Deadwood, Cub, cup of noodles, Gilmore, Fossil, swipe left FNGs: None COUNT: 14 What had happened was: We rucked
[diesel] Tricep Trailer Trash
AO: diesel Q: Bratwurst PAX: U-Haul, Draper, Penalty Box, Endo, Lambeau, Roomba, Peaches, Cartel, squirts, Dunkin, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 12 Warm-up Chest and Shoulders – Imperial Walkers – Don Quixote – Bonnie Blairs – Arm Circles – Arm Swings Exercises: 45sec on / 15sec off. 3 rounds. Round 2 & 3 more weight, more […]
[_playhouse] Is stretching even necessary?
AO: _playhouse Q: Roomba PAX: Rockwell, Elmer’s, Penalty Box, squirts, Lambeau, Endo, Cartel, Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw), Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Peaches FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: A wise man told us today that he never stretches. Whaaattt??? And he happens to be someone who made a living playing pro sports, is […]
[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door: John 19:1-12
AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Damascus PAX: McGruff, Cartel, Draper, Damascus, ChatterBox, Steven L Purvis, Dunkin, Dave Rubright, Greg Knull, Shop Dawg, U-Haul, Chopper, Kermit, Swipe Left FNGs: 1 Swipe Left COUNT: 14 Damascus led us through the first part of John 19, with a lot of background on prophecies fulfilled. :muscle:
[ruckus] Walk with a purpose!
AO: ruckus Q: Deadwood PAX: Cartel, Deadwood, Chastain, Posse, Pyro, U-Haul, McGruff, Catfish, Paddington, Shriver, Wrangler, Cup of Noodles, Swipe Left FNGs: None COUNT: 13 On an early morning in Waxhaw, when even the roosters were still thinking, “Nope, too early,” a dozen brave souls gathered in the dimly lit parking lot. Everyone had a […]
[the_rock] We would rifle carry 1.3 miles
AO: the_rock Q: Recalc- Keith Balaniz PAX: Dunkin, Rockwell, Shriver, Floppy Disk, Squirts, Lambeau, Sundrop, Penalty Box, Kermit, Cartel FNGs: None COUNT: 11 A bit of fog had rolled into the parking lot before the start of the rock…keeping sight lines to about 40 yards – perfect for the mornings events. No running – :woman-running: […]
[ruckus] 13 DAWGS
AO: ruckus Q: Hatchet PAX: Deadwood, Chastain, U-Haul, Hatchet, Bottlecap, Pyro, Posse, Shriver, Catfish, AirTag, McGruff, Cartel, Wax FNGs: None COUNT: 13 IT’S WELL WORTH THE READ. BUT I AM BIASED. Back when I used to party, and we’d have an epic rager on a Saturday, we’d wake up and be sad it was over. […]