[convergence] Lift and Shift

AO: convergence Q: Chastain PAX: Punxsy, Rain Man, Cliffhanger, Twinkle toes, Falcon, Bottlecap, Brant (Wahoo), Animal Chris VanDruff, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Rubbermaid, Hollywood, Kid Rock, 2xT, Carb Load, ChatterBox, Dana, Blue Screen, Zinfandel, Shania, Rockslide, Rockwell, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Elmer’s, Inspector Gadget, Schneider/Tom Evans, Spitz, Posse, Damascus, Smithers, Deflated, Gerber, Chicken Little, Das […]

[watchtower] Actually… it WAS my 1st rodeo

AO: watchtower Q: Afterburn PAX: Centerfold, Kitty, Bottlecap, Mad Dog, ChatterBox, Chastain, Shania, Deadwood, Chicken Little, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Dasher – Jeff Green, Dunkin, Zinfandel, Easy Button, Kitty!! FNGs: 1 Kitty!! COUNT: 15 What had happened was: It was dark when we started and some of the PAX thought Afterburn got lost as we circled […]

[_3rd-f-bible-study] “Open Door”: John 5:17-31

AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Dunkin PAX: Dunkin, Dave Rubright, Steven L Purvis, Chopper, Centerfold, Greg Knull, Eric S – Magi FNGs: None COUNT: 7 We discussed John 5:17-31. Great discussion led by Dave Rubright!

[_3rd-f-service] Cyndi’s House

AO: _3rd-f-service Q: Bottlecap , Mad Dog PAX: Blue Screen, Bottlecap, Centerfold, Chastain, Deflated, Elmer’s, Ice9, Hatchet, Mad Dog, Rain Man, Singlet – Justin Nelson, Strawberry, Cartel, Firestarter FNGs: None COUNT: 23 WHAT we did: Lots of yard work and a tree house demolition and removal WHO we did it for: Cyndi is the widow […]

[commitment] Breadbowl is ileterate therefore I must write his BB

AO: commitment Q: Fuse Box PAX: Kyle Maul-Breadbowl, Ice9, Dave Bailey aka Popeye, Chainsaw, Centerfold, Shop Dawg, Maple Syrup, Doughboy FNGs: None COUNT: 9 I will give Breadbowl some grace. He is half Kentuckian so we aren’t really sure he knows how to use a computer in order to write one of these things. I […]

[dromedary] 1 and I’m out

AO: dromedary Q: Dana PAX: Centerfold, Schnitzel, Premature, Dana, Falcon, Rooster FNGs: None COUNT: 6 What had happened was: 6 guys showed up to Dromedary and did stuff. Burpees, squats, merkins, big boys, derkins, irking, step ups, aid jabs, presses, some bear crawls, and a few more burpees. The site Qs need to crowdfund for […]

[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door – John 5:1-16

AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Damascus PAX: Damascus, Chopper, Shop Dawg, Shriver, Centerfold, Greg Knull, Dunkin, Flip Phone, Eric S – Magi, Steven L Purvis FNGs: None COUNT: 10 Damascus led us through the first part of John 5 and the “healing at the pool of Bethesda”.  :thumbsup:   05/05 – Next week we continue John 5 […]

[dromedary] Moon shining

AO: dromedary Q: Rooster PAX: Dana, Centerfold, Punxsy, Das Boot FNGs: None COUNT: 5 What had happened was: Stretching, mosey, shoulder burn, b2w Circuits, snakes and starfishs of merkins, burpees, air squats, and Tyson’s, getting ready for murph Finished with some freddy, flutters and lbcs.

[swarm] Friday Morning Lights

AO: swarm Q: Gerber PAX: Rain Man, Singlet – Justin Nelson, Mute, ChatterBox, Bottlecap, Smithers, Zinfandel, Seabass- Tim Carey, Flip Phone, Deflated, Centerfold, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Tron, Foundation, Hooch – Bret Turner, Gerber FNGs: None COUNT: 16 What had happened was: Warm up Mosey to the traffic circle. Warm Up. Run to track. Track team […]

[_playhouse] Dromedary

AO: _playhouse Q: Punxsy PAX: Schnitzel, Das Boot, Centerfold, Noonan, Rooster, Deep Dish FNGs: None COUNT: 7 7 Pax came and went all out with lots of upper body work, including lovely bear crawls, merkins, and a fair amount of lower body conditioning. The Thang: Mosey around to the middle school area, warmed up with […]