[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door: John 19:38-42 + 20:1-2
AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Elmer’s PAX: Draper, FireStarter, Elmer’s, Shop Dawg, Dunkin, Damascus, Steven L Purvis, Greg Knull, Dave Rubright, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 10 Elmer’s led the pax through the last part of John 19 and the first couple verses of John 20. :muscle:
[down_range] Slow Horses Stomp The Rooster
AO: down_range Q: Black Hat , Hatchet, Tron, SOGGY, Damascus PAX: Hatchet, Tron, SOGGY, Damascus FNGs: None COUNT: 5 What had happened was: Sometime in February there was a call to join The Rooster race activities and turns out there was a Ruck option. A bunch of fellow idiots Pax put their hands up and […]
[border_patrol] 3 braved torrential rain, freezing temps, and almost total darkness
AO: border_patrol Q: Damascus PAX: Damascus, Kid Rock, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal FNGs: None COUNT: 3 What had happened was: They were dumb and crazy but at least they were there…..
[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door: John 19:31-37
AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Hatchet PAX: U-Haul, Greg Knull, Elmer’s, ChatterBox, Hatchet, Dunkin, Damascus, Cartel, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 9 Hatchet led us through John 19:31-37. Some good discussion and insight on the divinity and humanity of Jesus. :heart:
[ruckus] Field Trip
AO: ruckus Q: Shriver PAX: Hatchet, Cartel, Catfish, Deadwood, Posse, Shriver, U-Haul, Damascus, Gilmore, Cup of Noodles,Fossil , Chubbs FNGs: 1 Chubbs COUNT: 12 What had happened was: Through the woods into Champion Forest then across Cuthbertson to CHS we went. Good conversations were had while at a good pace. Despite the pace, the Q […]
[convergence] We’re Running?
AO: convergence Q: Seabass- Tim Carey PAX: Dunkin, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Mad Dog, Twinkle toes, Rubbermaid, ChatterBox, Retiree, Hi-Hat, One Star, Bottlecap, Hatchet, U-Haul, Rain Man, Hot Yoga, Goodfella, Cartel, Kilo – Gareth Davies, Black Hat, Damascus, Deep Dish, Smithers, Ragdoll, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Chastain, Zinfandel, Tanyatine-Tim Braun, Singlet – Justin […]
[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door: John 19:17:30
AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Greg Knull PAX: Damascus, The Apprentice (jake byrum), Hatchet, Shop Dawg, Dunkin, Elmer’s, U-Haul, Dave Rubright, Steven L Purvis, Grungie (Michael), Greg Knull, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 12 We talked britches, Canadian tuxedoes, and the good word. Excellent job leading by Greg. :muscle:
[convergence] Birthday burpees for me
AO: convergence Q: Chastain PAX: Falcon, Jitterbug, Cliffhanger, Heartbreaker, SOGGY, Chicken Little, Chastain, Tron, Bottlecap, Mad Dog, Shriver, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Hollywood, Posse, Dana, Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw), Damascus, Fuse Box, Hatchet, Paddington, Easy Button, U-Haul, Dunkin, Deep Dish, Transporter, Elmer’s, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 27 What had happened was: Hatchet is always looking […]
[_playhouse] Valentine’s Day Q
AO: _playhouse Q: Sugar Smacks PAX: Schneider/Tom Evans, Bottlecap, Elmer’s, Noonan, Foundation, Hatchet, Mad Dog, Cliffhanger, Paddington, Transporter, Sugar Smacks, Blue Screen of DEATH, fugitive, Mute, Hooch – Bret Turner, Das Boot, Chastain, Inspector Gadget, Dana, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Chicken Little, Honeycomb, Gerber, Damascus, Rain Man, Dasher – Jeff Green, Easy Button, Falcon, […]
[ruck_u] HEAVY RUCK
AO: ruck_u Q: Deadwood PAX: Deadwood, Tron, Gasparilla, Chastain, Rain Man, SOGGY, Hatchet, Dasher – Jeff Green, Shriver, Damascus FNGs: None COUNT: 10 What had happened was: It was a cold and drizzly morning, but that didn’t dampen the spirits of the 10 guys who showed up for Ruck U. The air was filled with […]