[the_lycan] Watch out for puddles
AO: the_lycan Q: Elmer’s PAX: Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Dana, Elmer’s, Chainsaw, Premature FNGs: None COUNT: 5 What had happened was: It was cold and wet.
[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door: John 18:25-40
AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Hatchet PAX: Draper, Shop Dawg, Dave Rubright, Cartel, McGruff, Elmer’s, Chastain, U-Haul, Steven L Purvis, Hatchet, Damascus, Greg Knull, Deadwood, The Apprentice (jake byrum), Dunkin, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 16 Hatchet, as a true professional, led us through the latter half of John 18. The stories and real-life application did not disappoint. […]
[titan] Double Birthday Beatdown
AO: titan Q: Gasparilla , Recalc- Keith Balaniz PAX: Mad Dog, Bottlecap, Zinfandel, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, U-Haul, Pyro, SnB, Chainsaw, Chastain, Easy Button, Elmer’s, Catfish, Shriver, Blue Screen of DEATH, Deadwood, Hatchet, Sleeper Hold, Falcon, Avis, Tron, SOGGY, Dana, Heartbreaker, Jitterbug, Gasparilla FNGs: None COUNT: 25 What had happened was: We kicked off the morning […]
[impromptu] Where are you on your journey?
AO: impromptu Q: Zinfandel PAX: Deadwood, ChatterBox, Foundation, Mad Dog, Sugar Smacks, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Jitterbug, Chainsaw, Easy Button, Schneider/Tom Evans, Transporter, Zinfandel, Mute, Black Hat, Elmer’s, High Life, Bag Boy FNGs: None COUNT: 17 And for my 134th Q, I had the letter excuse to bail on the Black Diamond! It was […]
[mount_x] No snow days here…
AO: mount_x Q: Rockwell PAX: Elmer’s, Chicken Little FNGs: None COUNT: 3 What had happened was: If you fart sacked this morning the guilt must be unbearable. How are you making it through the day without hanging your head low and crying? What kind of a man is afraid to drive in the snow and […]
[the_rock] 500 LBC Challenge
AO: the_rock Q: Premature PAX: Shriver, Elmer’s, Rockwell, Premature, Roomba FNGs: None COUNT: 5 What had happened was: PAX started with some stretching and began the 500 LBC challenge. Started with 25 low slow squats, rifle carry across parking lot, 50 LBC’s, rifle carry back to COT to do 25 low slow squats. Repeated this […]
[flash] Holiday hours
AO: flash Q: Chainsaw PAX: Hatchet, U-Haul, Pyro, Chainsaw, Inspector Gadget, Falcon, Rocketman, Mad Dog, squirts, Elmer’s, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Fuse Box FNGs: None COUNT: 12 MY NAME IS CHAINSAW AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. I’M NOT TOO OLD TO Q BUT I AM TOO OLD TO HAVE TO WRITE BACKBLASTS SO I […]
[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door: John 18:1-24
AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Mad Dog PAX: Greg Knull, Hatchet, ChatterBox, Draper, Mad Dog, Chopper, Dunkin, McGruff, Grungie (Michael), Elmer’s FNGs: None COUNT: 10 Mad Dog (and ChatGPT) let us through the first half of John 18. So much to unpack.
[diesel] Care Bear Square!
AO: diesel Q: Chastain PAX: Chastain, Gerber, Dunkin, Rain Man, Deadwood, Elmer’s, Endo, Spitz, Peaches, Airtag, Avis, Penalty Box, Draper, U-Haul FNGs: None COUNT: 14 What had happened was: Deadwood was late. He didn’t run over my cones this time so I suppose that’s improvement. I’ve never seen such pitiful side straddle hops, though. After […]
[mount_x] Pocahontas, is that you?
AO: mount_x Q: Dunkin PAX: Draper, Elmer’s, Mayhem, Premature, SOGGY, Fuse Box, Dunkin FNGs: None COUNT: 7 Warm up lap and then some warm up exercises. Not sure we actually got warm, but worth a shot. We then tried out the “exercise of the week”; viz., the “Elizabeth Warren”, which consists of a backward lunging […]