[_playhouse] Bad dreams
AO: _playhouse Q: Chicken Little PAX: Chastain, Chicken Little, Elmer’s, Dunkin, Premature, Dana, Rooster, Fingerpaint, Fuse box, Noonan, Kermit , Fugitive, Deep Dish FNGs: None COUNT: 13 What had happened was:
[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door: John 19:38-42 + 20:1-2
AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Elmer’s PAX: Draper, FireStarter, Elmer’s, Shop Dawg, Dunkin, Damascus, Steven L Purvis, Greg Knull, Dave Rubright, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 10 Elmer’s led the pax through the last part of John 19 and the first couple verses of John 20. :muscle:
[mount_x] Substi-Q
AO: mount_x Q: Rockwell PAX: Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Elmer’s, Premature, Mad Dog, Draper, Cartel FNGs: None COUNT: 7 What had happened was: I was a last minute substi-Q filling in for our brother Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach who is recovering from an appendectomy. Heal quickly my friend! :pray: Disclaimer given. Let the fun […]
[_playhouse] T-Claps for the RESPECTS
AO: _playhouse Q: Rockwell PAX: Elmer’s, Chicken Little, Schneider/Tom Evans, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Jitterbug, Transporter, Falcon, Recalc- Keith Balaniz FNGs: None COUNT: 9 What had happened was: Plenty of “RESPECTS” in this crew today! I gave the disclaimer and off we went. We kept things moving! Plenty of different exercises with not too […]
[the_lycan] Well done. Kinda
AO: the_lycan Q: Hatchet PAX: Dunkin, Hatchet, Dana, Elmer’s, Draper, Premature, Noonan, Rockwell, Das Boot, Deep Dish, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: Hard to believe maybe. I had it planned out well in my head. Mind was a little foggy this am. I was missing that extra minute of sleep. I […]
[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door: John 19:31-37
AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Hatchet PAX: U-Haul, Greg Knull, Elmer’s, ChatterBox, Hatchet, Dunkin, Damascus, Cartel, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 9 Hatchet led us through John 19:31-37. Some good discussion and insight on the divinity and humanity of Jesus. :heart:
[impromptu] Let’s play a game
AO: impromptu Q: Hatchet PAX: Hatchet, Chainsaw, Elmer’s, Schneider/Tom Evans, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Mad Dog, Fuse Box, Dana, Noonan, Chicken Little, Deep Dish FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: So I wanted to try something different. A competition among ourselves. Not just to be competing. But so we could all get […]
[mount_x] Count in cadence
AO: mount_x Q: Elmer’s PAX: Elmer’s, Fuse Box, Catfish, Chainsaw, Draper, Premature, SOGGY, Twinkle toes, Hi-Hat, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach FNGs: None COUNT: 10 What had happened was: we lifted stuff.
[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door: John 19:17:30
AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Greg Knull PAX: Damascus, The Apprentice (jake byrum), Hatchet, Shop Dawg, Dunkin, Elmer’s, U-Haul, Dave Rubright, Steven L Purvis, Grungie (Michael), Greg Knull, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 12 We talked britches, Canadian tuxedoes, and the good word. Excellent job leading by Greg. :muscle:
[convergence] Birthday burpees for me
AO: convergence Q: Chastain PAX: Falcon, Jitterbug, Cliffhanger, Heartbreaker, SOGGY, Chicken Little, Chastain, Tron, Bottlecap, Mad Dog, Shriver, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Hollywood, Posse, Dana, Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw), Damascus, Fuse Box, Hatchet, Paddington, Easy Button, U-Haul, Dunkin, Deep Dish, Transporter, Elmer’s, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 27 What had happened was: Hatchet is always looking […]