[impromptu] Too Many Muffin Recipes

AO: impromptu Q: Dunkin PAX: Dunkin, Falcon, Mad Dog, Hi-Hat, Blue Screen of DEATH, Twinkle toes, Dana, Drydock, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Elmer’s FNGs: None COUNT: 10 – Mosey – Warm up (SSH, perfect Merkins, plank jacks, runners stretch) – Mosey – Partner Work! —> “Bench a Flip” – Shoulder burner – Too much […]

[mount_x] Dixieland Delight

AO: mount_x Q: Dunkin PAX: Elmer’s, Fuse Box, Hot Yoga, Dunkin FNGs: None COUNT: 4 Today’s workout basically had everything, including many firsts… – First of all, we included the “exercise of the week” —> Tennessee Rocking Chairs. At first Elmers thought he wanted to do them for the whole workout, but decided against it […]

[watchtower] Every mailbox?

AO: watchtower Q: Elmer’s PAX: Elmer’s, Dana, Gerber, Hatchet, Mad Dog, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Spitz, Zinfandel, Rocketman FNGs: None COUNT: 10 What had happened was: DICCS given and moseyed around teacher parking lot to pickup Hatchet and Rocketman heading to bus parking lot. Stretching and stuff. Head to the neighborhoods. […]

[_playhouse] Twinkle toes turns 43!

AO: _playhouse Q: Twinkle toes PAX: Carb Load, Dana, Elmer’s, Fuse Box, Hatchet, Hi-Hat, J-Woww, Noonan, Rooster, Twinkle toes FNGs: None COUNT: 10 What had happened was: DSCC was covered 5 minutes early as everyone accept Hatchet was ready to roll! Warm up mosey around the school for what Carb Load exclaimed “must have been […]

[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door: John 10:14-42

AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Greg Knull PAX: U-Haul, Eric S – Magi, Mayhem, Elmer’s, Dunkin, Shriver, Chopper, ChatterBox, Steven L Purvis, Greg Knull, Apprentice FNGs: None COUNT: 11 Greg led us through the rest of John 10 on a beautiful, slightly chilly morning.

[diesel] Wheel of Misfortune

AO: diesel Q: Chastain PAX: Deadwood, Chastain, Elmer’s, Gasparilla, Penalty Box, Dunkin, U-Haul, Mayhem, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Rockslide, Amp FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: My weinke at 4:30am looked very different than what we ended up doing. About 4:45 I scrapped the whole thing and came up with a much worse […]

[the_rock] On my up…

AO: the_rock Q: Elmer’s PAX: Sony, Elmer’s, Shriver, Peaches, Rockwell, Endo FNGs: None COUNT: 6 What had happened was: We stretched. We lifted coupons, kettle bells, bricks and dumbbells. We got through 7 sets of 4 exercises each set doing 20,15,10 reps each exercise. Well done boys! The music was bumping at The Rock!

[the_lycan] You light up my life

AO: the_lycan Q: Elmer’s PAX: Hot Yoga, Dana, Draper, Elmer’s, Fuse Box, J-Woww, Mad Dog, Noonan, Premature FNGs: None COUNT: 9 What had happened was: DICCS given and received. Mosey to go around church and pick up Mad Dog. Circle up in big parking lot for some stretching. Mosey to the start of Sunset Hill […]

[short_circuit] When in Rome…

AO: short_circuit Q: Chastain PAX: Chastain, Kid Rock, Dasher – Jeff Green, Paper Jam, Elmer’s, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Goodfella FNGs: None COUNT: 7 What had happened was: The dons of short_circuit have a good thing going on. The headbands and the cafe (with coffee, cookies, and ice cold watermelon) made the looong trip worth […]

[mount_x] Split Q

AO: mount_x Q: Elmer’s , Catfish PAX: Chainsaw, O69, Elmer’s, Maple Syrup, Catfish, U-Haul FNGs: None COUNT: 6 What had happened was: Catfish warmed up the pax with some moseys and stretching. Elmer’s took over with coupon work in every parking spot. Music was bumping! Fun times. Well done boys.