[_3rd-f-service] Blood Drive 512-546
AO: _3rd-f-service Q: Ghosted (Christopher Brantigan) , Mute, Whiplash (Nick Niday), Rockslide, Posse PAX: Chastain, Deflated, Elmer’s, Maple Syrup, Atlas, Catfish, Rockslide, Whiplash (Nick Niday), Draper FNGs: None COUNT: 12 Another potential FNG may come out of the blood drive – Steve Powers bicycled to the drive from his house as a walk-in. I wonder […]
[mount_x] RR
AO: mount_x Q: Draper PAX: Draper, Elmer’s FNGs: None COUNT: 2 What had happened was: we lifted coupons
[_3rd-f-service] Tabula Rasa Farm – Service Project
AO: _3rd-f-service Q: Mad Dog , ChatterBox, Bottlecap PAX: Zinfandel, Elmer’s, Animal Chris VanDruff, Dasher – Jeff Green, Blue Screen, Magnolia, Twinkle toes, Southern Tip – Brent FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: We crushed a laundry list of work that Robert and his wife needed done around their animal hospice farm. We […]
[mount_x] Mount X
AO: mount_x Q: Schneider/Tom Evans PAX: ChatterBox, Chastain, Draper, Elmer’s, O-69, Rockslide, Schneider/Tom Evans, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano FNGs: None COUNT: 8 What had happened was: We got in a Quick Mosey around the parking lot back to COT Warmup 15-Side Straddle Hop 15-moroccan nightclub Calf stretch Runners pose 6 islands 6 exercises run […]
[the_lycan] The Lycan
AO: the_lycan Q: Hot Yoga PAX: Premature, J-Woww, Dana, Posse, Elmer’s, Dunkin, Ringer FNGs: None COUNT: 8 Mosey around church to top of parking lot, SSH, LSS, mountain climbers. Double 4 corners around the parking lot, with merkins x10, squats x10, 1-leg deadlifts x5, mini 4 corners of lunge walks and bear crawls. Mosey into […]
[_playhouse] Elmer’s Birthday Q at Titan
AO: _playhouse Q: Elmer’s PAX: Damascus, Brutus, Dasher – Jeff Green, Zinfandel, Afterburn, Mad Dog, Bottlecap, Rain Man, Blue Screen, Gerber, Elmer’s, Deadwood, Chastain, Firestater FNGs: None COUNT: 14 What had happened was: We played on the field for the first 30 minutes then we went back to COT to play with Dashers new balls […]
[mount_x] Laying tracks
AO: mount_x Q: Recalc- Keith Balaniz PAX: Elmer’s, Rockwell, Peaches, Endo, Chainsaw FNGs: None COUNT: 6 What had happened was: 4 songs each representing an exercise for the length of the song Folsom Prison Blues- Johnny Cash-Cinderella blocks the tracks pax pick up and add as pax rotate through doing burpee jump over Jump- Van […]
[the_lycan] Great Group today!
AO: the_lycan Q: Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach PAX: Elmer’s, Premature, Bottlecap, Rockwell, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Dana FNGs: None COUNT: 6 What had happened was: Great group of guys- worked hard and had fun! Always good to start the day like this.
[titan] Q it but DON’T do it!!
AO: titan Q: Brutus PAX: Brutus, Deadwood, Premature, Dasher – Jeff Green, Zinfandel, Chastain, Blue Screen, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Afterburn, Bottlecap, Carb Load, Elmers FNGs: None COUNT: 12 What had happened was: To the 10 exercise…back to the end zone. 5 Merkins 10 Sandbag Rows 20 Kettlebell Curls 20 Speed Skaters….misery 20 Kettlebell overhead […]
[convergence] Lift and Shift
AO: convergence Q: Chastain PAX: Punxsy, Rain Man, Cliffhanger, Twinkle toes, Falcon, Bottlecap, Brant (Wahoo), Animal Chris VanDruff, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Rubbermaid, Hollywood, Kid Rock, 2xT, Carb Load, ChatterBox, Dana, Blue Screen, Zinfandel, Shania, Rockslide, Rockwell, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Elmer’s, Inspector Gadget, Schneider/Tom Evans, Spitz, Posse, Damascus, Smithers, Deflated, Gerber, Chicken Little, Das […]