[_playhouse] Is stretching even necessary?
AO: _playhouse Q: Roomba PAX: Rockwell, Elmer’s, Penalty Box, squirts, Lambeau, Endo, Cartel, Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw), Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Peaches FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: A wise man told us today that he never stretches. Whaaattt??? And he happens to be someone who made a living playing pro sports, is […]
[_bike] Off season night ride
AO: _bike Q: Rag PAX: Titanium Plates, Buffet, Cableguy, Rag, Rockwell, Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Breezer, Hall Monitor FNGs: None COUNT: 8 What had happened was, you missed out sucka!
[the_rock] No pics of 🎅 going thru the chimney
AO: the_rock Q: Posse PAX: Mayhem, Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Rag, Dunkin, Rockwell, Penalty Box, McGruff, squirts, U-Haul, Posse FNGs: None COUNT: 12 Lotta comments about what 5 Stones (& that one person who drove up) are thinking as we did dumb stuff together. Santa Going Through the Chimney needs to go back to the […]
[diesel] Can’t Pick My Arms Up
AO: diesel Q: Black Hat PAX: Draper, Avis, Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Lambeau, Penalty Box, Roomba FNGs: None COUNT: 7 The Q doesn’t trust his legs just yet so decided to blow out our upper bodies instead. Combo of rifle/fireman’s carry with upper body exercises in between. We didn’t run but got over a mile […]
[the_rock] Rainy. Kind of. Maybe.
AO: the_rock Q: Hatchet PAX: Hatchet, Rockwell, Catfish, U-Haul, Penalty Box, squirts, Dunkin, 2xT, Peaches, Cableguy, Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Lambeau, Roomba FNGs: None COUNT: 13 What had happened was: this was the first “gear” workout Q for me. I’ve done Mount X but never the Rock. The rock is a good AO. Thanks to […]
[the_rock] LIIT vs HIIT
AO: the_rock Q: Endo PAX: Mayhem, Rockwell, ChatterBox, Shriver, Cableguy, Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Lambeau, Penalty Box, Rag, Roomba, Endo, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano FNGs: None COUNT: 12 What had happened was: LIIT (low intensity interval training) vs HIIT. The PAX did a phenomenal job of working through some drills such as curls, military […]
[_bike] OTB
AO: _bike Q: Endo , Bratwurst, Stretcher PAX: Titanium Plates, Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Stretcher, Paul Boskovich – Kodak, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Carb Load, Buffet, Juice, Mustard, Hall Monitor, Cartel, Crikey, Kick Stand, Rockwell, Southern Tip – Brent, Rag, Breezer, Bratwurst, Cottonmouth, Dasher – Jeff Green, Tron, Cableguy, Endo, Chewey, Chelsey FNGs: None […]
[the_rock] The mats are cute but you won’t be needing them
AO: the_rock Q: Chastain PAX: Chastain, Peaches, Radar, Posse, Deadwood, Mayhem, Roomba, Lambeau, Penalty Box, Breezer, Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Endo, Rockwell, Cableguy FNGs: None COUNT: 14 What had happened was: Chicken Little should be commended for his willingness to Q but even though there are two Chicken Littles in the _playhouse it isn’t possible […]
[diesel] Not quite a mile
AO: diesel Q: Radar PAX: Rockwell, Mayhem, Roomba, Peaches, Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Radar, Rockslide, Lambeau, Sony, Penalty Box FNGs: None COUNT: 10 What had happened was: The Q was a little late so the warmup was hosted by Rockslide. The Thang Partner up Each partner needs a coupon Each group pair grabs their own […]
[_bike] Mount Titanium Elevation 560 feet
AO: _bike Q: Endo , Tron, Peaches PAX: Titanium Plates, Peaches, Mustard, Juice, Kick Stand, Bratwurst, Rag, Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Cableguy, Breezer, Mullet/David, Magnolia, Buffet, Dasher – Jeff Green, Hi-Hat, Tron, Cartel, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Carb Load, Damascus, Stretcher, Twinkle toes, Endo, Chelsey, Chewy, Shamrock FNGs: None COUNT: 26 What had happened […]