[body_shop] Racewalking?
AO: body_shop Q: Dunkin PAX: Das Boot, Lambeau, Premature, Dunkin, Penalty Box, J-Woww, Roomba FNGs: None COUNT: 7 Tried out “WW1 Snow Angels” (not my favorite), racewalking (instructed by Das Boot), partner work, triple nickel, and more at body_shop. :muscle:
[the_rock] Nice and humid
AO: the_rock Q: Hatchet PAX: Hatchet, Black Hat, Shriver, Rockwell, Roomba, Shop Dawg, Penalty Box FNGs: None COUNT: 7 After two years in the F3 grind, today was my first time on Q at a gear workout. Thanks to Black Hat for the invite. I rolled in on two wheels at 5:31, settled in, and […]
[_playhouse] It’s called Kickbacks
AO: _playhouse Q: Elmer’s PAX: Draper, Elmer’s, Mayhem, Rockslide, Rockwell, Two Hand Touch, Peaches, Endo, Penalty Box, Shriver, U-Haul FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: It was a beautiful morning at Five Stones. I told the pax thst we are staying on campus which I thought was funny since it’s a 0.0 site. […]
[the_rock] Over The Barrow
AO: the_rock Q: Endo PAX: Black Hat, Posse, Penalty Box, Lambeau, Peaches, Endo, Shriver, Crikey, Rockwell FNGs: None COUNT: 9 What had happened was: Nice humid summer morning for a bunch of standard gear work out exercises and some non-standard exercises including a weighted wheel barrow roll, and boxing with a gym mat! Also this […]
[diesel] That Time Diesel Risk Rolled Us All
AO: diesel Q: Dunkin , Rockslide PAX: Elmer’s, Black Hat, Bottlecap, Tron, Smithers, Maple Syrup, Blue Screen, Chastain, Dana, Dasher – Jeff Green, Centerfold, Hi-Hat, Punxsy, Turkeydrop, Inspector Gadget, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Hollywood, U-Haul, ChatterBox, Roomba, Posse, Draper, Hot Yoga, Rag, Peaches, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Schnitzel, Fuse Box, Spitz, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, […]
[body_shop] Running Wild at Body Shop without Site Q’s
AO: body_shop Q: J-Woww PAX: J-Woww, Posse, Sun Drop, Lambeau, Dana, Penalty Box FNGs: None COUNT: 6 We ran, did some funky exercises, lift rocks, ran, talked about life and all returned safe.
[the_rock] The Farmer Boy
AO: the_rock Q: Dunkin PAX: Black Hat, Dunkin, Shriver, Sun Drop, Penalty Box, Endo, Peaches, Rockwell, Rag, Lambeau FNGs: None COUNT: 10 Shoulder warmup, cherry pickers, warmup with the cinder blocks and then…grab a partner! Partner one farmer carry two coupons down and back while partner two does exercises. Switch and repeat 3x each. Exercises […]
[flash] “It Doesn’t Get Easier, But It Gets Better” – Unknown Proverb That I Say to FNGs Since It Was Shared With Me After My 1st Post
AO: flash Q: Zinfandel PAX: Zinfandel, Gerber, Chainsaw, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Penalty Box, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Elmer’s, Schnitzel, Schneider/Tom Evans, Maple Syrup, Mad Dog, Smithers, Foundation, Deflated, Falcon, Rain Man, Shriver, U-Haul FNGs: 1 U-Haul COUNT: 18 My 129th Q in life but only my 6th Q in FY24. Am I slacking? Too […]
[diesel] Every 30 seconds for 1.25 minutes
AO: diesel Q: Landfill PAX: Endo, Penalty Box, Bratwurst, Landfill, Rockwell, Rockslide FNGs: None COUNT: 6 What had happened was: Timed workout with lifting weights Short warmup follo3d by 10 Workout rounds for 1 minute 15 swconds, then rest for 30 seconds between rounds. 1. Bench Press 2. Squats 3. Curls 4. Heels to Heaven […]
[convergence] Happy birthday ‘Merica
AO: convergence Q: Chastain , Easy Button PAX: J-Woww, Rockslide, Dana, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Carb Load, Zinfandel, Spitz, Maple Syrup, Fester, Easy Button, Hooch – Bret Turner, Shania, Black Hat, Tron, Premature, Penalty Box, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Hollywood, Chicken Little, Rubbermaid, Hi-Hat, Whiplash (Nick Niday), Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw), Damascus, 2xT, Gerber, Deep Dish, […]