[] Exclusive love

AO: Q: Ice9 PAX: Das Boot, Chopper, Eric S – Magi, Blue Screen, Ice9, Radar, Shop Dawg, Jim Hendricks (Nails), Snowflake, Professor FNGs: None COUNT: 10 We discussed the exclusivity of God, understanding those that take offense, and how to talk about Christ’s universal offer

[] Yom Yom Yom — what’s a day?

AO: Q: Eric S – Magi PAX: Eric S – Magi, Blue Screen, Shop Dawg, Jim Hendricks (Nails), Radar, Ice9, Snowflake, ChatterBox, Transporter, Chopper, Das Boot, Professor FNGs: None COUNT: 12 What had happened was: Discussion of science and the Bible, especially different theories explaining the beginning of the Good Book, but we definitely decided […]

[] Science and the Bible

AO: Q: Snowflake PAX: Snowflake, Das Boot, ChatterBox, Radar, Cutlet, Transporter, Jim Hendricks (Nails), Ice9, Eric S – Magi, Blue Screen, Chopper, Professor, Angel FNGs: None COUNT: 13 Good discussion around understanding how science and the Bible can, do and should co exist

[] Chapter 9

AO: Q: Blue Screen PAX: Das Boot, Radar, Jim Hendricks (Nails), Transporter, Eric S – Magi, Mayhem, Blue Screen, Snowflake, Ice9, Cutlet, Professor, Motorboat FNGs: None COUNT: 12 Finished up the misogyny section onto Jesus and dinosaurs.