[paper_trail] CTT plus a field Trip to Crowder’s

AO: paper_trail Q: Kid Rock PAX: Flip Phone, Rubbermaid, Cliffhanger, Paper Jam, Bratwurst, Hollywood, Radar, Goodfella, Damascus, Fester, Frasier , Fast Hands FNGs: 1 Fast Hands COUNT: 13 We were a spread out group, but we all got some mileage! 13 total between CTT and Crowders. Great work all!

[diesel] Rotate!

AO: diesel Q: Rockslide PAX: Bratwurst, Lambeau, Rocketman, Endo, Peaches, Shriver, Radar, Shop Dawg, Penalty Box, Rockslide, Tuplip FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: Another bad idea executed with the precision of a toddler’s dance recital. Pick a starting point of your choice and continue until the call to COT. EMOM: SSH Kettlebell […]

[ruck_u] Accountability

AO: ruck_u Q: Premature , Radar, Transporter, ChatterBox, Dunkin, Fuse Box PAX: ChatterBox, Dunkin, Premature, Transporter, Radar, Fuse Box FNGs: None COUNT: 6 What had happened was: (6) PAX mosey around the block and broke up into three teams of two. PAX completed a number of exercises with the ruck with two on end of […]

[_3rd-f-bible-study] Sanctuary – The Forgotten God, Chapter 1

AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Radar PAX: Radar, Transporter, Eric S – Magi, KATO, Das Boot, Chopper, Jim Hendricks (Nails), Snowflake, Professor, Jake, Jake’s Friend 1, Jake’s Friend 2, Angel FNGs: None COUNT: 13 What had happened was: Sanctuary crew dug into the new book, The Forgotten God, and talked about the influence of the Holy Spirit […]

[ruckus] Happy Father’s Day

AO: ruckus Q: Damascus PAX: Dunkin, Damascus, Animal Chris VanDruff, Shriver, Radar, Fester, Posse, Blackout, Torpedo FNGs: None COUNT: 9 What had happened was: Conversational mosey through the 5 Stones trails and parts previously unseen in Champion Forrest. Slightly Hooches the return, but no complaints on a fine Sunday.

[_3rd-f-bible-study] Intro to a new Francis Chan book

AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Shop Dawg PAX: Shop Dawg, Radar, Snowflake, Eric S – Magi, Das Boot, Chopper, Mayhem, Blue Screen, KATO, Jim Hendricks (Nails), Professor, Jake, Jake’s friend, Stephen, Pitbull FNGs: None COUNT: 15 What had happened was: We’re starting a new book, Forgotten Good, and kicked it off with a discussion on the Holy […]

[ruck_u] The Dredd Ed D2X

AO: ruck_u Q: Radar PAX: Dana, Dunkin, Radar FNGs: None COUNT: 3 What had happened was: We warmed up with: Hallelujah squats Toe taps American Hammers Then we did three rounds of squats and jackals/Jekylls Rifle carry and hold More squats and step ups Boat_canoe Flutters to close out time Rucked while discussing Missonality, the […]

[the_lycan] Carolina Jackass and more

AO: the_lycan Q: Dunkin PAX: Catfish, Hot Yoga, Premature, Draper, Dunkin, Dana, Rockwell, Radar, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Fuse Box, Schnitzel, Ringer FNGs: None COUNT: 12 Partner work. Ab work. And everyone’s favorite Carolina Jackass.

[_3rd-f-bible-study] Sanctuary finishing up the study of 1, 2 Peter and Jude

AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Ice9 PAX: Ice9, Das Boot, Transporter, ChatterBox, Chopper, Blue Screen, Eric S – Magi, Radar, Mayhem, Professor, Chris, Jake, Jake’s friend #1, Jake’s friend #2, Angel FNGs: 6 Professor, Chris, Jake, Jake’s friend #1, Jake’s friend #2, Angel COUNT: 15 What had happened was: Professor was the substi-Q as we discussed Jude. […]