[_playhouse] Focus on the Good

AO: _playhouse Q: Twinkle toes PAX: Punxsy – Shawn Chen, Centerfold, Dana, Das Boot, Deep Dish, Hi-Hat, Noonan, One Star, Twinkle toes, Wrigley FNGs: None COUNT: 11 Working out and catching up! We did a mid point COT as we found a ⭕️ in the middle of our workout we decided to share positives with […]

[the_floater] nothing but smiles

AO: the_floater Q: Cliffhanger PAX: Chastain, Mad Dog, Kid Rock, Wrigley, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Inspector Gadget, Hollywood, Zinfandel, Centerfold, ChatterBox, Shania, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Deadwood, Ice9, Cliffhanger FNGs: None COUNT: 15 Cliff notes: Floater vQ for YHC’s birthday. Simple weinke: pick two challenging hills. Run them back and forth, for at least 5k, […]

[_playhouse] Loved the rain …

AO: _playhouse Q: ChatterBox PAX: Wrigley, Falcon, U-Haul, Mad Dog, Fuse Box, Inspector Gadget, Black Hat, Maple Syrup, Zinfandel, Turkeydrop FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: We ran little more than 2 miles and did Mike Tyson, donkey kicks, abb work, broad jump burpees, bear crawl, jump squats, wall sit and few Mary’s. […]

[dromedary] Welcome back Kotters!

AO: dromedary Q: Dunkin PAX: Posse, Turkeydrop, Dunkin, Wrigley, Deep Dish, Centerfold, Das Boot, Chris Young – Gypsy, Schnitzel FNGs: None COUNT: 9 We started with 5 or 6 pax, but they kept driving in, so we kept circling back for a long opening mosey and ended up with 9 pax. We even welcomed back […]

[afternoon_delight] Audible Audible

AO: Afternoon_Delight Q: SOGGY PAX: Hatchet, LegalZoom, Wrigley FNGs: None COUNT: 4 Soggy quickly called an audible due to the heat. We ran, stopped did some SSH, Imperial Walkers, and Squats, Ran some more, then did a total of 6 rounds of stair work, we then did some aborama before heading back to COT. Wrigley […]