[_playhouse] Blackjack at Commitment
AO: _playhouse Q: Munchkin PAX: Fuse Box, Shriver, Centerfold, Shop Dawg, Doughboy, Munchkin, Dunkin, Chainsaw, Kyle Maul-Breadbowl, Strawberry, Dave Bailey aka Popeye, Glaze, Finn Frazier FNGs: 1 Finn Frazier COUNT: 12 What had happened was: we established my true degenerate tendencies and did a workout dedicated hitting until you hit 21! Mosey down to gravel […]
[titan] Lightning and Thunder
AO: titan Q: Dasher – Jeff Green , Gerber PAX: Gerber, Rain Man, Deadwood, Blue Screen, Dasher – Jeff Green, Afterburn, Rocketman, Deep Dish, Elmer’s, Bottlecap, ChatterBox, Tron, Sleeper Hold, Fire Starter FNGs: None COUNT: 14 It was like Christmas morning for the 75 hard guys knowing it was our last day. Rainman and Deadwood […]
[paper_trail] The Fellowship of the Idiots
AO: paper_trail Q: Cliffhanger PAX: HazMat, Animal Chris VanDruff, Brant (Wahoo), Flip Phone, Kid Rock FNGs: None COUNT: 6 A bunch of idiots woke up too early in the morning, jumped in cars defying the hordes of deer crowding the roads of Waxhaw, and drove to Albemarle for a race like no other. 10 miles […]
[csaup] The Green Mile 🍀
AO: csaup Q: Kid Rock , HazMat, Rubbermaid PAX: Tuck, bunker, Glidah, Chopper, Damascus, Cliffhanger, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Carb Load, C3P0, Roulette, wingman, Midriff, starch, Huck 🐕🦺 FNGs: None COUNT: 17 What had happened was: YHC needed to complete a 50k this weekend and reached out to see if anyone wanted to join. […]
[_0800-fruit-stand] Proverbs study on WISDOM
AO: _0800-fruit-stand Q: Bottlecap PAX: Bottlecap, Centerfold, Elmer’s, Falcon, Strawberry, Blue Screen, Cutlet, Roomba, Firestarter FNGs: None COUNT: 9 Topic: Wisdom Application Points: 7 pillars in James 3:17; focus on one of them this week Prayer requests: Elmers (surgery on Tuesday) and Stefanie (Strawberry’s wife who lost her grandmother) Next week: No meeting. Doing service […]
[paper_trail] The Runners and Ruckers are Multiplying
AO: paper_trail Q: Rockslide PAX: Cutlet, Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw), Strawberry, Rockslide FNGs: None COUNT: 4 What had happened was: Two set out, one to ruck, one to run. Like tribales, more came back. Two who rucked. Two who ran. Big crew out representing the Haw at Chicken Run and the Green Mile. Look for […]