[_3rd-f-bible-study] Open Door: John 19:1-12
AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Damascus PAX: McGruff, Cartel, Draper, Damascus, ChatterBox, Steven L Purvis, Dunkin, Dave Rubright, Greg Knull, Shop Dawg, U-Haul, Chopper, Kermit, Swipe Left FNGs: 1 Swipe Left COUNT: 14 Damascus led us through the first part of John 19, with a lot of background on prophecies fulfilled. :muscle:
[short_circuit] I spent so much time
AO: short_circuit Q: Kid Rock PAX: Flip Phone, Goodfella, Hatchet, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Carb Load FNGs: None COUNT: 6 I spent forever writing an extremely detailed BB, and it got deleted… Sorry, I just don’t have the heart to retype for another 20 min….
[ruckus] Walk with a purpose!
AO: ruckus Q: Deadwood PAX: Cartel, Deadwood, Chastain, Posse, Pyro, U-Haul, McGruff, Catfish, Paddington, Shriver, Wrangler, Cup of Noodles, Swipe Left FNGs: None COUNT: 13 On an early morning in Waxhaw, when even the roosters were still thinking, “Nope, too early,” a dozen brave souls gathered in the dimly lit parking lot. Everyone had a […]
[paper_trail] easy like Sat mornin
AO: paper_trail Q: Kid Rock PAX: Flip Phone FNGs: None COUNT: 2 It rained a lot yesterday. Many of the normal crew are sick, or down range. So I came prepared just in case it was only me and Flip Phone…. Knowing he’s a road kinda guy .. especially with wet, dark trails. Just us […]
[commitment] Commitment 2/1/25
AO: commitment Q: Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach PAX: Pyro, U-Haul, Carb Load, Chainsaw, Das Boot, Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw), Fuse Box, Rockwell, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Deep Dish, Dana, Hatchet, AirTag, SOGGY FNGs: None COUNT: 14 Great work men! I was also glad we were finally able to get Hatchet to break out of his […]
[titan] Jitterbug’s VQ…Titan or Titanic?
AO: titan Q: Jitterbug , Bottlecap PAX: Deadwood, Mad Dog, Rain Man, Gasparilla, Pac-Man, Bottlecap, ChatterBox, Chastain, Shriver, Tron, Jitterbug, Paddington, Avis, Hatchet’s moral support radiating from Commitment, None FNGs: 1 None COUNT: 13 What had happened was: 13 showed up for a nice Sat. AM rendezvous. VQ for YHC and true to my F3 […]
[_playhouse] Friday Morning Lights
AO: _playhouse Q: Foundation PAX: Chainsaw, Schneider/Tom Evans, Centerfold, Blue Screen of DEATH, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Jeff Helms, Deep Dish, Zinfandel, Falcon, Hi-Hat, Mute, Spitz, Deflated, Heartbreaker, High Life, Paddington FNGs: 1 Paddington COUNT: 17 Impromptu – Friday Night Morning Lights Edition Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose….Or in Chainsaw case if you […]
[diesel] I’ve got to compete against Foundation’s Writing Skills???
AO: diesel Q: Fuse Box PAX: Fuse Box, Dunkin, Penalty Box, Lambeau, Rockwell, Draper, U-Haul, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 8 There is no confidence booster quite like getting out of a car and hearing two double respects mumble “Is Fuse Box on Q?” followed by a audible and very drawn out “Fuuuuuccccckkkkk”. I guess I […]
[off_the_books] Wanderers
AO: off_the_books Q: Black Hat PAX: Damascus FNGs: None COUNT: 2 What had happened was: Q’s knee hurt so avoided bootcamp today. Decided to ruck instead with the intent of pushing for pace improving, but forgot the knee brace. Mistake. Was trying to push through it but thankfully Damascus joined and kept me at a […]
[last_call] Raising the Dead
AO: last_call Q: Turkeydrop PAX: Das Boot, Punxsy – Shawn Chen, Posse, LegalZoom, None FNGs: 1 None COUNT: 5 What had happened was: – We mosey’d to the back of Publix where we stretched – Mosey’d down the hill to Newtown and then on each light on the way back up we did 5 merkins, […]