[mount_x] Pocahontas, is that you?
AO: mount_x Q: Dunkin PAX: Draper, Elmer’s, Mayhem, Premature, SOGGY, Fuse Box, Dunkin FNGs: None COUNT: 7 Warm up lap and then some warm up exercises. Not sure we actually got warm, but worth a shot. We then tried out the “exercise of the week”; viz., the “Elizabeth Warren”, which consists of a backward lunging […]
[mount_x] 98 and Counting
AO: mount_x Q: Damascus PAX: Catfish, SOGGY, Chainsaw, Shriver, Dunkin, Hi-Hat, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Elmer’s, Spitz, Damascus, Fuse Box, Twinkle toes, O69, Mayhem FNGs: None COUNT: 14 What had happened was: Shout out of O69 who is down 98lbs and counting! That is life changing progress… Here is what happened – Quick mosey […]
[mount_x] 🧼 Soap
AO: mount_x Q: 2xT PAX: Stagecoach, Elmer’s, Posse, Rocketman, SOGGY, Hatchet, Dunkin, Chainsaw FNGs: None COUNT: 9 What had happened was:
[mount_x] 7 for 47
AO: mount_x Q: Elmer’s PAX: 2xT, Carb Load, Draper, Elmer’s, Mad Dog, SOGGY, Dunkin FNGs: None COUNT: 7 What had happened was: there was a Lucky 7 for 47 reps of each exercise.
[mount_x] Holiday Hours at mt x
AO: mount_x Q: Fuse Box PAX: Fuse Box, Draper, Elmer’s, Mad Dog, Hot Yoga, Posse, Chainsaw FNGs: None COUNT: 7 Pulled a hose, lifted gear, and even got the excercise of the week in (grocery bag carries). Mad dog especially liked the opening progressive merkin bear crawls. I think the pax were ready for a […]
[mount_x] Zebra what?
AO: mount_x Q: Dunkin PAX: Draper, Fuse Box, Elmer’s, Catfish, Chainsaw, Stagecoach, Schneider/Tom Evans, Dunkin FNGs: None COUNT: 8 We did some of the usual shoulder burners, Tennessee Rocking Chairs, and more. Also tried out the exercise of the week; viz, “Zebra Butt Kickers”. Mixed reviews. Might have to just do them in higher volume. […]
[mount_x] Right on time
AO: mount_x Q: Hatchet PAX: Hatchet, Loafer, Flanders, Rockwell, Elmer’s, Chastain, U-Haul, Posse, Fuse Box, Chainsaw, Catfish FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: the Q was definitely on time and could’ve slept for roughly 25 more seconds. But, we did circuit work. Partner did a rep on the blocks while the other partner […]
[mount_x] Decent
AO: mount_x Q: Deadwood PAX: Twinkle toes, Hi-Hat, Schneider/Tom Evans, Elmer’s, O69, Deadwood, Shriver, Premature FNGs: None COUNT: 8 What had happened was:
[mount_x] I maybe overdid it…
AO: mount_x Q: Rockwell PAX: Bottlecap, Elmer’s, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Carb Load, O69, Rocketman, Chainsaw FNGs: None COUNT: 8 What had happened was: Mosey around the parking lot followed by some warm up exercises Partner up Partner 1 runs TWO laps around Mount X while Partner 2 works. Then flap jack Exercises were: – […]
[mount_x] Mount ❌ with Ice
AO: mount_x Q: Elmer’s PAX: Ice9, Elmer’s, Grungie (Michael), Chainsaw FNGs: None COUNT: 4 What had happened was: