[ruck_u] “Tunnel of Love” and more

AO: ruck_u Q: Dunkin PAX: Singlet – Justin Nelson, SOGGY, Gasparilla, U-Haul, ChatterBox, Dunkin, Deadwood, Black Hat, Hatchet, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 10 Ruck up! Grab a sand bag and head down to the field, stopping along the way for merkins and squats. Once on the field, Lt. Dan (mode of transport) 10 yards and […]

[ruck_u] HEAVY RUCK

AO: ruck_u Q: Deadwood PAX: Deadwood, Tron, Gasparilla, Chastain, Rain Man, SOGGY, Hatchet, Dasher – Jeff Green, Shriver, Damascus FNGs: None COUNT: 10 What had happened was: It was a cold and drizzly morning, but that didn’t dampen the spirits of the 10 guys who showed up for Ruck U. The air was filled with […]

[ruck_u] Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

AO: ruck_u Q: Dunkin PAX: Hatchet, Chastain, Damascus, Kid Rock, SOGGY, U-Haul, Tron, Goodfella, Dunkin, Catfish, Deadwood, Paddington, Rain Man, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 14 Rucks on! Battle buddies determined. Stick with your battle buddy! Grab a piece of gear (60# sandbags, 40# sandbags, etc.). Let’s go! Stopping along the path to the football field […]

[ruck_u] What-were-we-thinking

AO: ruck_u Q: Deadwood PAX: Bottlecap, SOGGY, U-Haul, Tron, Chastain, Deadwood, Catfish, Black Hat, Wax FNGs: None COUNT: 9 What had happened was:

[ruck_u] Ruck U! And Ruck U too!

AO: ruck_u Q: Chastain PAX: Chastain, Deadwood, Rain Man, Singlet – Justin Nelson, Hooch – Bret Turner, U-Haul, Gasparilla, Airtag, Tron, SOGGY, Dunkin, Cartel, Catfish, Black Hat FNGs: None COUNT: 14 What had happened was: Ruck U(niversity) is retooling to focus on training for the GrowRuck Training Event (GTE) coming in October this year. The […]

[ruck_u] Not dead yet

AO: ruck_u Q: Chastain PAX: Chastain, Cartel FNGs: None COUNT: 2 What had happened was: No Q, no problem. Cartel and I rucked and talked about cars and bourbon and other manly things

[ruck_u] Lizards, Leeches, & Bullfrogs – Oh my!

AO: ruck_u Q: Posse PAX: Radar, Dunkin, U-Haul, Posse FNGs: None COUNT: 4 There was a better title that was created in the church parking lot, but I’ve forgotten it. Remind me & I’ll change it. The 3 numbers I was looking for; :x:180 = 180 / 15 = :white_check_mark:12 = the apparent magic number […]

[ruck_u] Ruck U: Q4.9 Missionality.Team

AO: ruck_u Q: Dunkin PAX: Fuse Box, U-Haul, SOGGY, Dunkin FNGs: None COUNT: 4 Started things out on Keith Jong Hill, going up and down with various leg exercises scattered in; i.e., squats, Tennessee rocking chairs, and lunges. Then turned to the penultimate chapter of Q Source, which is Q4.9 Missionality.Team. Great conversation, as usual, […]

[ruck_u] Equipped for Thanksgiving

AO: ruck_u Q: U-Haul PAX: Dunkin, Super Soaker, Radar, U-Haul FNGs: None COUNT: 4 What had happened was: I worked to equip our ruck_u team to lead our team to a rewarding workout. We started with our field trip to Rea Farms to join the Turkey Trot group. We discussed what it means to be […]

[ruck_u] T. E. A. M.

AO: ruck_u Q: Fuse Box PAX: Fuse Box, U-Haul, Radar, Dunkin FNGs: None COUNT: 4 Team Building. That was the lesson for todays RuckU/QSource. QSource has the acronym of T – trust E – Equip A – Accountible M – Mission So before we set out for the start of the workout, I assembled the […]