[paper_trail] split personality
AO: paper_trail Q: Chopper PAX: Chopper, Paper Jam, Rubbermaid, Kid Rock, bunker, Fraser, Hippie, Fletch FNGs: None COUNT: 8 Cliff notes: 5 for hill repeats in Crowder’s, and 2 for a CSAUP-design trip to Sugar Creek Greenway.
[paper_trail] PREMIER
AO: paper_trail Q: Kid Rock PAX: Flip Phone, HazMat, Half-Pipe, Tuck, Rubbermaid, Kid Rock, Chopper, Cliffhanger, Frasier, Bunker FNGs: None COUNT: 10 Cliff notes: 10 titans committed to a beast of a run through muddy trails, under the constant rain. And they enjoyed every single minute of it, cause there’s something wrong with them. What […]
[paper_trail] Table Rock Run
AO: paper_trail Q: Chopper PAX: Paper Jam, bunker, Frasier, Soft Pretzel FNGs: None COUNT: 5 What had happened was: what happens in the mountains stays in the mountains. All I can say is we all ran 10 miles.
[csaup] The Green Mile 🍀
AO: csaup Q: Kid Rock , HazMat, Rubbermaid PAX: Tuck, bunker, Glidah, Chopper, Damascus, Cliffhanger, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Carb Load, C3P0, Roulette, wingman, Midriff, starch, Huck 🐕🦺 FNGs: None COUNT: 17 What had happened was: YHC needed to complete a 50k this weekend and reached out to see if anyone wanted to join. […]