[ruckus] No tardies…..kind of

AO: ruckus Q: Hatchet PAX: Hatchet, Deadwood, Catfish, Posse, Cartel, Fester, U-Haul FNGs: None COUNT: 7 What had happened was: U-Haul was there first, Hatchet rolled in “early”. Deadwood rolled in right on time. Posse came in hot right at launch time. And Fester came walking in from Cuthbertson Road shortly after 6. We looked […]

[ruckus] Field Trip

AO: ruckus Q: Shriver PAX: Hatchet, Cartel, Catfish, Deadwood, Posse, Shriver, U-Haul, Damascus, Gilmore, Cup of Noodles,Fossil , Chubbs FNGs: 1 Chubbs COUNT: 12 What had happened was: Through the woods into Champion Forest then across Cuthbertson to CHS we went. Good conversations were had while at a good pace. Despite the pace, the Q […]

[mount_x] Count in cadence

AO: mount_x Q: Elmer’s PAX: Elmer’s, Fuse Box, Catfish, Chainsaw, Draper, Premature, SOGGY, Twinkle toes, Hi-Hat, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach FNGs: None COUNT: 10 What had happened was: we lifted stuff.

[the_lycan] Kermit’s VQ

AO: the_lycan Q: Guest Q , Dunkin PAX: Draper, Das Boot, Airtag, Black Hat, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Catfish, Dunkin, U-Haul, Noonan, Hatchet, Fuse Box, Dana, Chastain, Rockwell, Kermit, Noodler FNGs: None COUNT: 17 Kermit rocked his VQ! Lots of partner work, some attempted free throws (resulting in mostly burpees), and an “angelic mosey”. Best […]

[ruckus] A bit breezy

AO: ruckus Q: Dunkin PAX: Cartel, Dunkin, Airtag, Hatchet, U-Haul, Paddington, Catfish, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 8 We rucked and talked and got to know each other a bit better. :muscle:

[off_the_books] Idiots at their finest

AO: off_the_books Q: Kid Rock PAX: Chastain, Catfish, Pothole, Rubbermaid, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal FNGs: None COUNT: 6 6 total idiots hit Albemarle for a 20 mile run/ruck to the top of Morrow Mountain and back!

[mount_x] Jorts

AO: mount_x Q: Hatchet PAX: Hatchet, Draper, Landfill, Elmer’s, Catfish, Fuse Box, Xerox – William Holman, Roomba, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Chainsaw, Punxsy – Shawn Chen FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: It all started when Elmer’s put out the marketing post that had a picture of a guy in jorts and a […]

[ruck_u] Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

AO: ruck_u Q: Dunkin PAX: Hatchet, Chastain, Damascus, Kid Rock, SOGGY, U-Haul, Tron, Goodfella, Dunkin, Catfish, Deadwood, Paddington, Rain Man, Kermit FNGs: None COUNT: 14 Rucks on! Battle buddies determined. Stick with your battle buddy! Grab a piece of gear (60# sandbags, 40# sandbags, etc.). Let’s go! Stopping along the path to the football field […]

[ruckus] Walk with a purpose!

AO: ruckus Q: Deadwood PAX: Cartel, Deadwood, Chastain, Posse, Pyro, U-Haul, McGruff, Catfish, Paddington, Shriver, Wrangler, Cup of Noodles, Swipe Left FNGs: None COUNT: 13 On an early morning in Waxhaw, when even the roosters were still thinking, “Nope, too early,” a dozen brave souls gathered in the dimly lit parking lot. Everyone had a […]

[asylum] Mark of the beast is just 66

AO: asylum Q: Blue Screen of DEATH PAX: Gasparilla, Posse, U-Haul, Draper, Ice9, SOGGY, Landfill, Hatchet, Catfish, Easy Button, Chastain, Carb Load, Swimmers, Loafer, , We FNGs: 1 We COUNT: 17 Five minutes stretching, partner circuit with rocks, partner circuits on Hickory Tavern rock bench, finish up with wall work like donkey kicks and jabs