AO: _0800-fruit-stand Q: Falcon PAX: Bottlecap, Cutlet, Frisbee, Falcon, Inspector Gadget, Mad Dog, Elmer’s, Sledge-O-Matic, Jedi, Emmanuel Has not been given a F3 name FNGs: 1 Emmanuel Has not been given a F3 name COUNT: 10 Great Discussion PAX! Leave you with this a Letter from Paul to all of us! philippians 4:8-9 8 Finally, […]

[off_the_chain] Bikers Everywhere

AO: Off__Chain Q: Rockwell PAX: Twinkle toes, Cooter, Falcon, Buffet, Rag – Joseph Moubarak, Paul Boskovich – Kodak, Mustard, Deadwood, Maple Syrup – Shane Gordon, Hi-Hat, Kick Stand, Frisbee, Bouchée FNGs: None COUNT: 14 Disclaimer. Shred for 1 hour. COT. Another awesome ride! Congrats to Buffet for winning the FlavoFlav award and to Kick Stand […]

[mount_x] Honoring Ex-Lax

AO: Mount_X Q: Doughboy PAX: Draper, Elmer’s, Kyle Maul-Breadbowl, Loafer, Schneider/Tom Evans, Surge – Jim Connell, Doughboy, Flanders, Frisbee FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: Run to Five Stones entrance and back to parking lot for some stretches. THE THANG: Rifle carry coupons to Mount X. Various exercises with coupons and run halfway around mountain, then […]