[the_rock] Piano Key Workout
AO: the_rock Q: Fuse Box PAX: Penalty Box, Sun Drop, Shop Dawg, Lambeau, Shriver, Fester, Fuse Box, Rockwell, Rag, Sledge-O-Matic, Black Hat, Peaches, Endo FNGs: None COUNT: 13 Piano key workout. Back keys (parking space) was a weighted lift, white key (parking stripe line) was a cardio move. Rotate from weights to cardio after timer […]
[_playhouse] No sleeping for the Chicken #SCHNIEDERSUCKS!
AO: _playhouse Q: Chicken Little PAX: Chainsaw, Chicken Little, Elmer’s, Stagecoach, Rockslide, Goulash, Endo, Peaches FNGs: None COUNT: 8 DICCs given Short mosey to entrance and back with a very short stretch The thang Cinder block work with Tabata — Blockees, block push ups , Kettle bell swings , sit up into press , curls […]
[_bike] Hotter Than a Mud Duck
AO: _bike Q: Endo PAX: Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Kick Stand, Damascus, Titanium Plates, Tron, Cableguy, Peaches, Rag, Endo, Floppy Disk FNGs: None COUNT: 10 What had happened was: The “declines” started rolling in via text after lunch when the thermometer was already trending to the mid-nineties; i’m sure it’s just coincidence that we […]
[the_rock] F is for FEELINGS
AO: the_rock Q: Bottlecap PAX: Chastain, Penalty Box, Lambeau, Peaches, Shriver, Black Hat, Bottlecap, Endo FNGs: None COUNT: 8 We took a deeper dive into what the 3 F’s actually stand for. Turns out, Penalty Box thought one of them stood for Feelings. WRONG old man. Now get to work.
[diesel] Rotate!
AO: diesel Q: Rockslide PAX: Bratwurst, Lambeau, Rocketman, Endo, Peaches, Shriver, Radar, Shop Dawg, Penalty Box, Rockslide, Tuplip FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: Another bad idea executed with the precision of a toddler’s dance recital. Pick a starting point of your choice and continue until the call to COT. EMOM: SSH Kettlebell […]
[mount_x] Progressive ladder fun
AO: mount_x Q: Dunkin PAX: Schneider/Tom Evans, Elmer’s, Draper, Chicken Little, Maple Syrup, Endo, Peaches, Dunkin, Catfish, Stagecoach, Fuse Box, Posse FNGs: None COUNT: 12 Warm up mosey, shoulder burner, and then carry coupons over to main part of parking lot. Squat thrusters, curls, bench press, goblet squats, kb swings, and running curb to curb […]
[_bike] The Dozen completes Seven
AO: _bike Q: Endo PAX: Kick Stand, Cableguy, Titanium Plates, Mustard, Rockwell, Juice, Magnolia, Endo, Peaches, Hall Monitor, Hi-Hat, Buffet FNGs: None COUNT: 12 What had happened was: Titanium Plates and Hi-Hat spent part of their day doing some trail prep. and building on an immense number of trail work hours that have occurred over […]
[the_rock] Classic Rock Stations
AO: the_rock Q: Foundation PAX: Black Hat, Penalty Box, Rain Man, Transporter, Peaches, Shop Dawg, Sun Drop, Lambeau, Endo, Shriver, Tulip FNGs: None COUNT: 12 What had happened was: YHC missed opportunity to substi-Q last week, but Black Hat was quick to jump on opportunity to get on calendar for this week. Welcomed the challenge […]
[mount_x] Not going down without a fight
AO: mount_x Q: Fuse Box PAX: Fuse Box, Endo, Peaches, Stage Coach, Stagecoach, Landfill, Maple Syrup, Schneider/Tom Evans FNGs: None COUNT: 7 No site Q(s???), No Q, No marketing and yet Mount X continued on. Lots of work but even better mumble chatter. It was a pleasure meeting peaches and stage coach for the first […]
[the_rock] curl crunch squat @ 45
AO: the_rock Q: Shop Dawg PAX: Black Hat, Peaches, Sun Drop, Steven L Purvis, Endo, Rag, Lambeau, Penalty Box FNGs: None COUNT: 9 Warmup, Curl, Crunch, Squat COT