Thankfully on holiday hours, so natural lighting was all that was necessary.
Started up in the parking lot noting all of the bike trinkets we got from our Christmas Wist list, we finally decided that it would be a good time to start riding.
Hitting the Cutty Connector on our Warmup, we slid by the bottom of Cutty by taking the Mekong Darien Gap through the bamboo forest to the bottom of Lenny. Up Brown Mile (1), down Poco Kickers (3) then Up Rocky Road (2). There we decided that it would be Down Poco Far Right Delight (4), Up Green Mile with a cutoff to Uno to get to the bottom of Cutty.
At the bottom of Cutty, the goal is to find another “lap-able” route using most of the trails, so the goal was Up Deuces Wild (2), down Funf Berm (5), Up Oh Jeez/Snake option/Oh Jeez (3), and Down Menage a Quad (4) to finish at the bottom of Cutty. It kinda worked, but no one really took the route planned. In the end, a Route will be created on Trailforks to go Up Deuces Wild, down Funf Berm with a cross the bridge to the Left and back through the boardwalk and other Bridge to the bottom of Cutty, Up Oh Jeez/Snake option/Oh Jeez, and down Down Menage a Quad and bear RIGHT at the bridge on the cutoff to come back down Oh Jeez to the bottom of Cutty. Strava segment will also be created to be able to test yourself on this route.
Regrouping the Pax and then heading back on the Cutty Connector to Howards Mill Loop to see some of the new kids jump areas (no elevation, so battery / gas required), then Creek Crossing to Lenny.
>From there, tried to follow Lenny Hill Street Blues route (, but we ended up with a partial Lap of up Ziggy, down Roller Coaster, up Zaggy, down Mid-Life Crisis to choose your own Drop/Jump and then regroup and back on Creek Crossing to finish out Howards Mill Loop and back to the parking lot.
Great start to 2025 to get the legs spinning, heart pumping, lungs heaving, and mud splattering. 3 for a post-ride Brunch at Vera’s Kitchen in Waxhaw.