[watchtower] No man left behind…ish

AO: watchtower Q: Easy Button PAX: Premature, Bottlecap, Damascus, Singlet – Justin Nelson, Goodfella (Jim Badolato), Dasher – Jeff Green, Rockwell, SnB, Rain Man, Doughboy, Mute, Deadwood, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Rockslide, ChatterBox, Foundation, Gerber, Deflated, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Schneider/Tom Evans, Easy Button, Dana, tron, hooch, catfish FNGs: None COUNT: 25 WARMUP: mosey to […]

[asylum] Shoulder smoker. You’re welcome.

AO: asylum Q: Dunkin PAX: Catfish, Radar, Landfill, Fuse Box, Ice9, Jim Long-Bypass, Mad Dog, Blue Screen, Dunkin, Librarian FNGs: 1 Librarian COUNT: 10 Did some usual warm up exercises before jumping in to some partner work, shoulder work, the “Big Bang”, and finally some Jack Web. Strong work by all on this President’s Day. […]

[asylum] Shoulder smoker. You’re welcome.

AO: asylum Q: Dunkin PAX: Catfish, Radar, Landfill, Fuse Box, Ice9, Jim Long-Bypass, Mad Dog, Blue Screen, Dunkin, Librarian FNGs: 1 Librarian COUNT: 10 Did some usual warm up exercises before jumping in to some partner work, shoulder work, the “Big Bang”, and finally some Jack Web. Strong work by all on this President’s Day. […]

[mount_x] Expert in Religion!

AO: mount_x Q: Chicken Little PAX: Bottlecap, ChatterBox, Chicken Little, Doughboy, Elmer’s, Falcon, O-69, Premature, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Shriver, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Maple Syrup, Spitz, Rocket man , catfish, Draper FNGs: None COUNT: 16 WARMUP: Mosey SSH Some merkins and stretching THE THANG: Rifle carry to Mount X 6 exercises 1min and […]

[impromptu] I want credit dammit

AO: impromptu Q: Doughboy PAX: Black Hat, Chicken Little, Catfish, Carb Load, Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw), Schneider/Tom Evans, Jedi, Deep Dish, Hi-Hat, Maple Syrup, J-Woww, Spitz, Inspector Gadget, Twinkle toes, ChatterBox, SnB FNGs: None COUNT: 17 WARMUP: THE THANG:

[mount_x] Mileage at a gear AO…LETS GO!!

AO: mount_x Q: Deadwood PAX: Elmer’s, Draper, Deadwood, Catfish, Ice9, Doughboy, Rocketman, Premature, ChatterBox, Rockslide, Spitz, Maple Syrup FNGs: None COUNT: 12 DiCCS given Let’s mosey…3 laps around Mount X and back to the start near the edge of the gravel. 14 exercises…basically anything you can think of with a block. 15 reps each. Do […]

[watchtower] Did he say watch out for that hitch or that I am a….

AO: watchtower Q: Foundation PAX: Singlet – Justin Nelson, Hooch – Bret Turner, Deflated, Deadwood, Elmer’s, Zinfandel, O69, Schneider/Tom Evans, Chicken Little, Mute, Easy Button, Transporter, Doughboy, Catfish, Rockslide FNGs: None COUNT: 16 WARMUP: Brief mosey around parking lot and the new 75Hard fan favorite workout#2 – stretching. Discussed evolution of Potato Pickers into Jimmy […]

[ruckus] So cold!

AO: ruckus Q: Dunkin PAX: Premature, Catfish, Damascus, Rockslide, Cutlet, Black Hat, ChatterBox, Dunkin FNGs: None COUNT: 8 We walked, we talked, we carried heavy stuff. We were frozen the whole time. Catfish shared some nitrile gloves to try to keep our hands warm. Not sure it helped. Hard to get warm in 16 degrees. […]

[body_shop] Body shop convergence

AO: body_shop Q: Hatchet , Das Boot PAX: Posse, Bottlecap, Hooch – Bret Turner, Hammer Time, Schneider/Tom Evans, Strawberry, Zinfandel, Black Hat, Elmer’s, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Hi-Hat, Maple Syrup, Chicken Little, Animal Chris VanDruff, Prohibition, Blueberry, Chastain, Mad Dog, Dana, SnB, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, One Star, Deadwood, Damascus, Dunkin, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, […]

[ruck_u] Bear-Claw Flip (or Apple Turnover in the Exicon) Test Run

AO: ruck_u Q: Rockslide PAX: Fuse Box, Catfish, Sun Drop, Landfill, Cliffhanger, ChatterBox, Damascus, Radar, Dunkin, Cutlet, Rockslide FNGs: None COUNT: 11 WARMUP: DiCCS given. Mosey to the hill. THE THANG: Today’s them was driven by the PAX strong desire to bear crawl (they couldn’t stop talking about it), no one wanted to take their […]