[body_shop] Racewalking?

AO: body_shop Q: Dunkin PAX: Das Boot, Lambeau, Premature, Dunkin, Penalty Box, J-Woww, Roomba FNGs: None COUNT: 7 Tried out “WW1 Snow Angels” (not my favorite), racewalking (instructed by Das Boot), partner work, triple nickel, and more at body_shop. :muscle:

[the_lycan] I have no idea

AO: the_lycan Q: Dana PAX: Centerfold, Dana, Das Boot, Deep Dish, Noonan, Posse FNGs: None COUNT: 6 What had happened was: My answer to Posse when he rolled in and asked if he needs a headlamp, I have no idea. 5 Pax joined me for an improvised (thanks Catfish for the extensive use of arms […]

[bushwood] I have no idea

AO: bushwood Q: Dana PAX: Centerfold, Dana, Das Boot, Deep Dish, Posse, Noonan FNGs: None COUNT: 6 What had happened was: My answer to Posse when he rolled in and asked if he needs a headlamp, I have no idea. 5 Pax joined me for an improvised (thanks Catfish for the extensive use of arms […]

[_3rd-f-bible-study] Sanctuary: Forget about His Will for your life

AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Mayhem PAX: Shop Dawg, ChatterBox, Chopper, Radar, KATO, Blue Screen, Mayhem, Das Boot, Angel, Jake’s friend 1 (Aiden) FNGs: None COUNT: 10 What had happened was: Strong chapter where we discussed taking small steps to follow the Spirit and not trying to plan out so far down the line. Kudos to Mayhem […]

[last_call] First Q at Last Call

AO: last_call Q: Turkeydrop PAX: Chastain, Punxsy, Rocketman, Rooster, Fuse Box, Das Boot, Posse FNGs: None COUNT: 8 What had happened was: 9 PAX ran around the Publix parking lot doing burpees, merkins and running mans (don’t ask)

[body_shop] Birthday Q

AO: body_shop Q: Hatchet PAX: Turkeydrop, Punxsy, Das Boot, Hatchet FNGs: None COUNT: 4 What had happened was:

[dromedary] Welcome back Kotters!

AO: dromedary Q: Dunkin PAX: Posse, Turkeydrop, Dunkin, Wrigley, Deep Dish, Centerfold, Das Boot, Chris Young – Gypsy, Schnitzel FNGs: None COUNT: 9 We started with 5 or 6 pax, but they kept driving in, so we kept circling back for a long opening mosey and ended up with 9 pax. We even welcomed back […]

[_3rd-f-bible-study] Thou shouldst seek His Spirit to be with thee

AO: _3rd-f-bible-study Q: Das Boot PAX: Snowflake, Shop Dawg, Chopper, Mayhem, KATO, Das Boot, Professor FNGs: None COUNT: 7 What had happened was: YHC had the Q at Sanctuary and tried to minimize extensive use of the good ole King James Version of the Good Book. Good discussion about what an ideal relationship looks like […]

[titan] It’s Not About Just Showing Up…

AO: titan Q: Zinfandel PAX: Zinfandel, Dasher – Jeff Green, U-Haul, Blue Screen, Centerfold, Premature, Tron, Chicken Little, C3P0, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Chastain, Deadwood, ChatterBox, Carb Load, Mad Dog, Das Boot, Elmer’s, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Easy Button, Shamrock FNGs: 1 Shamrock COUNT: 20 Friday after work I had a nice happy hour and snack […]

[bushwood] Le Tour de Marvin

AO: bushwood Q: Das Boot PAX: Twinkle toes, Posse, Deep Dish, One Star, Tanyatine-Tim Braun, Das Boot FNGs: None COUNT: 6 What had happened was: It’s time to celebrate the greatest annual sporting event, dare we say the greatest sporting event in France this year? Yes, Le Tour de France kicked off a little over […]