[bushwood] Better late than never 6.6. backblast

AO: bushwood Q: Punxsy PAX: Posse, Penalty Box, Sun Drop, Mayhem, Heartbreaker, Das Boot, Noonan, Rooster, Premature, Turkeydrop, J-Woww, Lambeau, Chipotle, Big Tuna FNGs: None COUNT: 15 What had happened was: on 6.6 we did an upperbody weight focused workout. Started with a bit of moseying, shoulder circle circuits, and then rounds of dumbbell lifts […]

[_playhouse] Better Than Never 6.6.24 Backblast

AO: _playhouse Q: Punxsy PAX: Das Boot, Posse, Turkeydrop, Penalty Box, Sun Drop, Mayhem, Heartbreaker, Noonan, Rooster, J-Woww, Premature, Lambeau, Chipotle, Big Tuna FNGs: None COUNT: 15 What had happened was: We mosey’d and emphasized on upper body strength training with dumbbells. Entire workout based on partner run + exercise while the other did dumbbell […]

[_playhouse] Dredd vs Zinfandel aka The Guy that Created F3 vs an Utter Moron

AO: _playhouse Q: Zinfandel PAX: Zinfandel, Foundation, Deflated, Mad Dog, Shania, Dasher – Jeff Green, Easy Button, Deadwood, Bottlecap, One Star, Sun Drop, Smithers, Ice9, Radar, Tron, Dana, Inspector Gadget, Dunkin, Transporter, Rocketman, Catfish, Hot Yoga, Rooster, ChatterBox, Penalty Box, Mayhem, Carb Load, Seabass- Tim Carey, Chastain, Stinger, Dredd, Granite, Telluride FNGs: None COUNT: 31 […]

[diesel] Every Day is a Winding Road

AO: diesel Q: Bratwurst PAX: Penalty Box, Rockslide, Endo, Peaches, Lambeau, Sun Drop FNGs: None COUNT: 7 We started the :diesel: Winding Road :diesel:https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6wMzVEi8G08JUYW1IKSi88?si=eb67648ae6ce4b9e for: – 5min warmup with the usuals – 40min of – 45sec on / 15 sec off Tabata rotating between 3x Upper Body exercises with weights (more weight or more explosive […]

[the_rock] Death By X

AO: the_rock Q: Shriver PAX: Black Hat, Endo, Mayhem, Shriver, Sun Drop, Peaches, Penalty Box FNGs: None COUNT: 7 What had happened was: 15 rounds of “Death By(EMOM increase by 1 each minute)” Thrusters with a coupon, then 10 rounds of “Death By” Goblet Squats (starting at 5), then another 10 rounds of “Death By” […]

[body_shop] 8 Star workout

AO: body_shop Q: One Star PAX: One Star, Dana, Watergate, Hatchet, Das Boot, Penalty Box, Lambeau, Sun Drop FNGs: None COUNT: 8 What had happened was: worked out, joked, had a good time

[the_rock] Outliving The Lazy

AO: the_rock Q: Posse PAX: Penalty Box, Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw), Shop Dawg, Fuse Box, Shriver, McGruff, Sun Drop, Tulip FNGs: None COUNT: 9 COT: The beginner chases the right answers. The expert chases the right questions. 🤬 Stupid SB timed out on me writing the moleskine!

[diesel] Good Friday

AO: diesel Q: Mayhem PAX: Mayhem, Draper, Sun Drop, Sony, Shop Dawg, Roomba, Penalty Box, Someone creeping next to Mayhem FNGs: None COUNT: 8 What had happened was: Pax honored Christ by carrying a portion of the burden that only He could carry in remembrance.

[body_shop] inspiring Body Shop SB

AO: body_shop Q: Deep Dish PAX: Tron, Hot Yoga, Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw), Das Boot, Deep Dish, One Star, Sun Drop, Penalty Box, Lambeau FNGs: None COUNT: 9 What had happened was: We had a few visitors today and much work was done.

[the_rock] Pain Train @ the Rock

AO: the_rock Q: Mad Dog PAX: Shriver, Elmer’s, Rain Man, Penalty Box, Sun Drop, Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw), Shop Dawg, Black Hat, Mayhem, C3P0, Sledge-O-Matic FNGs: None COUNT: 11 What had happened was: 1. Stretch 2. Coupon Curl – 1 set, Farmers carry/Rifle carry to curb, Coupon Curl -1 set, Farmers/Rifle carry to curb, Coupon […]