[_3rd-f-leadership] Freed to Lead: Ch 11 "The Glue of the 2nd F" & Ch 12 "The Dynamite of the 3rd F"

June 21, 2024
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AO: _3rd-f-leadership
Q: Posse
PAX: Fuse Box, C3P0
FNGs: None
– CH 11: The Glue of the Second F
– 2nd F fills the Sifter’s hole
– Sad Clown’s “friends” are situational
– When the world shakes a man, these friends fall away
– F3 friends are stickier; they don’t fall out
– Even though the 1st F brings men out, the 2nd F is what keeps them there
– DRTF erodes the glue, which is why new workouts must be planted
– ABD – Addition by Division
– Don’t know why it works
– Site Q’s and SLT’s responsibility – find (& use) the stickiest glue to strengthen Fellowship
– Coffeteria
– Came from Campos
– Happy Hour
– Gives Pax a chance to talk in complete sentences
– Convergence
– Combining multiple workouts into a super-workout
– Holidays
– Special Events
– Rally around a Pax
– Helps to keep a man upright while the world is shaking
– Until the world stops shaking
– Nothing lasts forever
– Completely Stupid And Utterly Pointless
– From Campos’ participation in Marine Corps Mud Run in Columbia, SC
– Team of 4 race on a 5 mile, 36 obstacle course
– No longer exists:sob:
– Every time they did it, more men wanted to do it next time
– The CSAUP name came from OBT
– Creating an event to run to every workout location for a mini-bootcamp
– OBT’s 1st experience with a CSAUP was before F3
– Did the BRR, but was new to the area, so he asked Work Friends
– Only OBT & 1 other was willing to finish the race
– Everyone else quit halfway through the 1st night
– Drove back to Charlotte in silence
– CSAUP’s are a mini-Sifter
– Only sticky friends will stay with you for the whole thing
– That 1 other still remained friends with OBT years after
– Men are either pro- or anti-CSAUP
– Anti’s are smart & sane (like our wives)
– Pro’s often accomplish things
– Not always what they set out to do
– Identified by telling him about it & saying, “I don’t think you should do it. It’ll be too hard.”
– CH 12: The Dynamite of the Third F
– 3rd F fills The Reacher hole of purposelessness
– Doesn’t have to travel from town to town searching for something purposeful to do
– Finds it in his own community
– Doesn’t have to wait for an expert to tell him what to do
– Just go does it
– Once a man is fit & has deep friends, then he wants to accomplish something that will benefit someone/something other than himself
– Faith – belief outside of oneself
– Nothing to do with religion
– Aligning with or against a religion doesn’t touch the mission
– Initially thought of as “the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard of”
– Now, Pax who go to non-F3 workouts complain that the end of the workout doesn’t feel “final” without something like the COT
– Reinforces idea that going it alone is not noble
– Selfish & prideful
– If we need help (which we all do), we owe it to our loved ones to seek & accept help
– Service projects are not centrally decided & pushed down to the regions
– The Nation just provides the bare minimum to help them grow
– Reverse Flow Incubator
– Named for how Chicago engineers reversed the river to flow out of (instead of into) Lake Michigan
– In F3, Pax don’t ask or need the Nation’s participation or guidance
– As long as the F3 brand is protected & isn’t blatantly anti-Missional
– If you want to do it, you must be willing to Q it
– Eliminates #OtisBombs
– Proposing a project but isn’t willing to lead it himself
– Farting in an elevator just as he walks out
– Completely different from other organizations
– Idea comes from up top & is pushed down
– Here, a man does what he feels lead to do
– The region doesn’t tell a man what to do
– Just shows him what others can do
– Dissolves the need for men to wait for “experts” before acting
– Concentrica
– Each man’s personal target of people to have proximate impact
– Center of concentrica is wife & kids
– This is about all who will be impacted for a Sad Clown’s death
– He’s been slowly dying every day anyway
– A lot of energy scurrying around with nothing to show for it
– Tired with no accomplishments
– Shield Lock
– Whetstone
– Here inward, these people would be deeply affected by your death
– Mammon
– Teary eyed at your funeral, but their world remains largely unaffected
– Everyone else
– You are anonymous to 99.99% of the people here
– Your death means nothing to them
– Can’t impact everyone
– You’ll end up impacting no one
– D2X
– The intersection of a man’s Dolphin & Daffodil
– Where his mission is to be found
– Where he can have maximum impact
– Dolphin
– Unique & powerful skill
– A dolphin is a mammal (like you)
– Who swims effortlessly in the water (unlike you)
– Swimming doesn’t feel like work to the dolphin (unlike you)
– No matter how much work you put in, you’ll never swim like a dolphin
– Culture doesn’t want us to find our dolphin
– It wants us to be well-rounded; trying to be good in everything
– What keeps a man from even trying to find his dolphin?
– Pride
– Would rather be miserable doing something he’s incompetent in than to violate his ego
– Fear
– Once he knows what his dolphin is, he loses the excuse of not knowing
– He’ll have to stop procrastinating
– But he might fail!
– Then that dream is shattered
– Better to hold on to an untested dream than tested shards
– Daffodil
– People he is meant to serve
– Comes from Dredd story
– Had to change interpersonal leadership style from jerk to persuader
– One of his low performing sergeants turned out to REALLY love daffodils
– When Dredd used his teaching dolphin everywhere, sometimes it was exhausting & sometimes it was exhilarating.
– So just using the dolphin everywhere wasn’t working
– Had to find his right audience (daffodils)
– Purpose
– Specific to him
– Solution to the man’s Life Problem
– The thing that bugs him the most
– Nagging at him
– Doesn’t go away
– Until he starts solving it
– Most men learn to live with their LP
– Which is how they become Sad Clowns
– If he can lock shields with other men who share a similar purpose & D2X:firecracker::boom:
– ONCE you have found your purpose & D2X, stay in your comfort zone
See docs.google.com/presentation/d/14EV1PJTHRnHSNhauThSzEhp5NLxkug-A8yEEZIeMg4g/edit?usp=sharing