[_3rd-f-leadership] Freed to Lead: Ch 4 & 5

May 10, 2024
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AO: _3rd-f-leadership
Q: Posse
PAX: Cutlet, Fuse Box
FNGs: None
– 1/4: Half the Mission
– Mission: To plant, serve & grow small men’s workout groups, in order to reinvigorate male community leadership
– Unlike other mission statements, this actually says what we do & what we don’t do
– F3 spun off from Campos in Freedom Park (Charlotte)
– Every Saturday at 6:50 AM
– By November 2010, it had grown too big with 30 members
– Campos decided to stop taking new members
– Sad, but understandable
– Campos leader never wanted to grow larger than a single site
– F3 was started initially to handle Campos overflow in another location
– F3 learned that bigger group size is better to a point
– After that point, bigger is badder
– DRTF = Diminishing Returns to Fellowship
– 14 – 18 is sweet spot for max Pax
– 19+ Pax consistently = Problematic Workout
– Problematic workouts need at least 1 Plant Q to start a new workout somewhere else
– Addition by Division = splitting a Problematic Workout into 2 stronger workouts
– Fellowship is the glue for F3
– Fellowship erodes when workout group gets too big
– Men can get unstuck from the workout & each other
– FNG’s can be intimidated by large numbers
– Sponsor wants FNG to have quality intimate contact with Pax
– Tough to do in large group
– Easy to get lost
– Men started asking if we could do other things in addition to working out
– Why?
– Couldn’t easily articulate it
– Workout proved we could work together
– There was a cause 1 man strongly believed in
– He thought it should be done
– 2/5: A Good Place to Stop
– Getting in shape
– Sprint fueled by enthusiasm for change
– Staying in shape
– Marathon fueled by daily discipline & near-maximum effort
– Daily Down-PAIN-ment
– Life is still a struggle, but being in F3 makes you happier to be in the struggle
– Every day, you are either climbing up or sliding down the mountainside
– Pax Essay: Newport – What are We Going to Do About Him?
– Newport was sent in his kayak to go after a man in the ocean having trouble getting back to shore
– Upon reaching him, the man pointed to another guy farther out in the ocean, who was floating unconsciously
– Paddleboarders arrived to help get everyone to shore
– He was brought back to life on shore
– Once he came upon the 2nd man, Newport had to apply “Leave no man behind” in a much more literal way
– It was an easier call by being ingrained in the F3 culture
– RElearning how to love your neighbor
– Being intellectually honest to leave things better than we found them