[_3rd-f-leadership] Pax Essay: Reverend Flo-rida - Leaders & Followers

June 7, 2024
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AO: _3rd-f-leadership
Q: Fuse Box
PAX: C3P0, Posse
FNGs: None
Commentary at bottom in italics

– We don’t want your money; we want you to find a way to give this thing away to someone else
– If I came up with an idea, I was expected to act on it & make it happen
– Thought there would be committees & forms & presentations
– Had idea of getting men from Charlotte Rescue Mission’s recovering addiction program to run in the Marine Corp Mud Run (10k with 33 obstacles)
– Wanted to just have the idea & give the execution to someone else
– #OtisBomb
– Instead, told, “That’s a good idea – you should go do that!”
– Got 4 CRM residents
– Paired with 4 Pax
– Trained for 6 weeks before run to prepare them
– 2 CRM Clydesdales + 2 Pax & 2 CRM Gazelles + 2 Pax
– Assumed after the run would just be good vibes, thanks, & that’d be it
– Everyone gets a completion medal
– Rev dismissed its importance
– CRM guy says, “This is the 1st thing I’ve ever won in my life!”
– 50 year old!
– HE didn’t see it as participation medal
– He had EARNED it!
– Rev goes back to CRM a week later
– Finds dude still wearing his medal, but with a dress shirt & tie
– How does this connect to leadership?
– Rev’s idea didn’t go to a select group of leaders
– To determine its value
– To decide how & when it will be implemented
– Who will implement them
– Rev couldn’t have done this without other Pax
– Pax that in other arenas are leaders
– But for this event, chose to be followers
– :repeat:
– We’re blessed to be in a group where it’s not always easy to tell who the leaders are & who the followers are.

Posse: The Q has reFused to purchase the 2nd edition of this book. But when I read this essay, it was a great encapsulation of one way I’ve seen Fuse change since starting F3. Once I sent him a copy of this essay, he knew by the 2nd paragraph why I wanted him to Q this part. He astounded me by putting even more into this Q than I remember!
Fuse has embodied this essay in all 3 F’s:
1. 3rd F – started our 1st blood drive. Just after Covid, he heard about the critical blood shortage. Thought, “Someone in F3 should start a blood drive”. Was told, “That’s a great idea – go do it!” Not only had Fuse never organized anything like this, he had never even donated blood before! First drive got us 83 units – hasn’t been topped since. And now, here we are knocking on :five::five::zero::drop_of_blood:!
2. 1st F – started up mount_x (fka Chiseled [soon to RIP:sob:]). At that time, gear workouts were occasional & whatever a Pax could get in (or on) his vehicle. He was looking for a consistent AO where gear could be stored. That success taught others that all gear/0 running workouts were possible, which is how diesel & the_rock came to be.
3. 2nd F – the summer picnic. Fuse saw that the Pax gathered together a lot, but not the whole family. Having learned his lesson from #1, he didn’t ask for permission; he just did it. Got the big parts going & handed them off to others to Q that major specialty – band, chili cookoff, kid games, etc.

I really wish more had attended to hear, not tales of bragging, but Tales of Unlockedness:copyright: