[morning_wood] Wildlife Galore!

June 26, 2024
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AO: morning_wood
Q: Dunkin
PAX: Cliffhanger, Dunkin, Shania
FNGs: None
Cliffhanger was first to arrive, hanging out with the FiA ladies. Then Dunkin (the Q) drives up. And finally Shania, making his first visit to Morning Wood!

“Kid Rock is Q’ing Cowbell. Rubbermaid and DriveBy are on vacation. Hazmat is sick. Blah, blah, blah.”

Alright, three of us are ready to roll. Let’s go!

Dunkin took the first shift of spider web duty, but Cliffhanger soon got tired of the slow pace and decided he was better suited to clear the way. :muscle: No complaints from Dunkin. 😉

Cliffhanger set an ambitious pace for clearing webs, but we kept it up for our 30 out/30 back. Got in 6 miles and saw lots of wildlife!

Deer, toads, rabbits, and even a tortoise. Beautiful morning in the woods! :+1:

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