[_2nd-f-fellowship] You can do it!!
AO: _2Nd-F-Fellowship Q: Deadwood PAX: Chastain, Carb Load, Flip Phone, Deadwood FNGs: None COUNT: 4 Spent most of the time trying to convince Flip phone to join us in November! He is doing pull-ups so maybe there’s hope!
[cowbell] The EMOM Timer from Hell
AO: Cowbell Q: Chastain PAX: Chastain, Zinfandel, O69, Schneider/Tom Evans, Landfill, Blue Screen, Dancing Bear, Damascus FNGs: None COUNT: 8 As is tradition, the birthday boy must Q and is honor bound to extract a number of burpees equal to the number of years aged. Being no breaker of tradition I felt it was my […]
[_2nd-f-fellowship] Birthdayteeria
AO: _2Nd-F-Fellowship Q: Chastain PAX: Deadwood, Gerber, Posse, Rain Man, Chastain FNGs: None COUNT: 5 Gerber convinced his kids to skip the bus and do the car line and was able to join us for coffeeteria. Rain Man provided “supplements.” Deadwood bought my birthday coffee. Posse abstained from sugary treats. some rando (possible FNG) took […]
[paper_trail] Take the Ruck off!
AO: Paper_Trail Q: Deadwood PAX: Chastain, Dana, Deadwood, Gerber, Jingles, Premature, Rain Man, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Transporter, Zinfandel FNGs: None COUNT: 10 Ruck event November 11th Wrightsville Beach! LETS GO!
[impromptu] Do you give your best effort?
AO: Impromptu Q: Deadwood PAX: Blue Screen, Chastain, Chicken Little, D.A.R.E., Deadwood, Falcon, Fuse Box, ChatterBox, Dasher – Jeff Green, Easy Button, Gerber, Landfill, Magnolia, Mute, Seabass- Tim Carey, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Xerox – William Holman, Schnitzel, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Rain Man, SnB, Spitz, Dunkin, Dancing Bear, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach FNGs: None […]
[_2nd-f-fellowship] Lunch: Outer Limits
AO: _2Nd-F-Fellowship Q: Radar PAX: Premature, Pinto, Chastain, Radar FNGs: None COUNT: 4 Hickory Tavern, Indian Trail
[watchtower] Faster and Furiouser
AO: Watchtower Q: Chastain PAX: Chastain, Rockwell, Zinfandel, Transporter, Ice9, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Surge – Jim Connell, Dana, ChatterBox FNGs: None COUNT: 9 Today’s plan was to utilize the front road and only the front road. Mission accomplished. It keeps guys together but we still managed to get in some mileage (about 3 by my […]
[the_lycan] Hump it.
AO: _Lycan Q: Deadwood PAX: Chastain, Deadwood, Hatchet, McGruff, Premature, Radar, Goodfella (Jim Badolato) FNGs: None COUNT: 8 Bad idea…monkey humpers and merkins
[commitment] Saturday Painfest
AO: Commitment Q: Munchkin PAX: Doughboy, Kyle Maul-Breadbowl, Jingles, Deadwood, Zinfandel, Dana, Rain Man, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Chastain, Dasher – Jeff Green, Gerber, Pinto, Bullwinkle – Albert Livchin, Hi-Hat, Chainsaw, Rubbermaid, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Posse, Ghosted (Christopher Brantigan), Fuse Box, Robocall, Kid Rock FNGs: None COUNT: 23 WARMUP: Mosey to Millbridge Parking lot, […]
[_2nd-f-fellowship] YOU PAID FOR IT!!
AO: _2Nd-F-Fellowship Q: Deadwood PAX: Bullwinkle – Albert Livchin, Chainsaw, Chastain, Dasher – Jeff Green, Deadwood, Doughboy, Kyle Maul-Breadbowl, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Fuse Box, Jingles, Kid Rock, Pinto, Posse, Robocall, Rain Man, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Rubbermaid, Zinfandel FNGs: None COUNT: 19 We did not get kicked out but almost got cut over a […]