[the_floater] EN the fisherman

AO: _Floater Q: Deadwood PAX: Cliffhanger, Deadwood, Easy Button, Mad Dog, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Rockslide FNGs: None COUNT: 7 In my early F3 days only a few elite pax would post in the rain and that’s still the case today! Man up F3 Waxhaw!!! I arrived at the AO around 4:20 […]

[flash] Have a very merry Mele Kalikimaka, you filty animals, over and over and over

AO: Flash Q: Mute PAX: Mute, Surge – Jim Connell, O69, Chicken Little, SnB, D.A.R.E., Transporter, Cliffhanger, ChatterBox, Mad Dog, J-Woww, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Rockwell, Damascus, Two Timer, Rubbermaid, Sledge-O-Matic (James Gallagher), Rerun FNGs: 1 Rerun COUNT: 18 One more burpee-penalized workout upon wrong answers to a seasonal quiz. This one, mostly based on […]

[impromptu] Swarm is so Confusing

AO: Impromptu Q: Chicken Little PAX: Premature, Ice9, Chicken Little, Chastain, Dunkin, Spitz, Chainsaw, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Fuse Box, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Inspector Gadget, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Rain Man, Mad Dog, Gerber, C3P0, Magic Mike, Dana, Drive By, Two Timer , Mute , Half Back FNGs: None COUNT: 22 WARMUP: Fast paced […]