[down_range] Tortoise and Hare (in collaboration with 4:13 Strong)

July 23, 2024
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AO: down_range
Q: Down Range Q
PAX: Dunkin, Red Skull, Lightweight, 22 others
FNGs: None
Amazing time hanging out with the pax of F3 Nashville, including the guys at the 4:13 “get your life right” program.

Each Tuesday they meet in the gloom for a 3-mile run. Doesn’t seem like much to most F3 guys, but many of the pax in the program have never run that much before or not anytime lately.

It was definitely different as I pulled up and most of the group was sitting on picnic tables smoking cigarettes before the workout (which also doesn’t help with your running).

Props to all the guys who came out and pushed themselves and are trying to get better through the 4:13 program with the help of F3 Nashville. :facepunch:


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