[_3rd-f-leadership] 3/10: Magnetism of the 1st F🧲

June 14, 2024
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AO: _3rd-f-leadership
Q: Posse
PAX: Chastain, Posse
FNGs: None
– 1st F fills the hole of inconsistent fitness
– Progress is easy to spot
– No more #FatPants
– Getting faster / catching up to the faster guys
– No need to pay Crystal or Fern
– Pax are pushing him
– No more silent workout (lots of mumblechatter)
– POGO 40 gone
– Weight may still fluctuate, but not so drastically
– No more workouts alone
– Workouts aren’t easier; but they are more fun
– People calling you to get back out there if you go missing (Accountability)
– Shovel Flag also borrowed from Campos
– Backblast
– Not obvious – BB’s are a way for men not at the workout to stay connected
– Including some quick news nuggets
– We don’t let men slink away without someone saying something
– We wouldn’t want it happen to us
– Some are motivated to come out by the man beside you
– VQ
– “I know X is struggling. I gotta be there for him.”
– Time & Location of the workout
– Set it up for the Pax the Site Q is serving
– Early in the morning because that’s about the only time people aren’t competing for our attention
– In a public place because most of us live near one
– Q
– The Q must be able to do the workout AND lead it
– Accommodate the range of fitness levels while still challenging everyone
– Pearls on a String (PoaS) with Corner to Corner (C2C)
– Pushes both Gazelles & Clydesdales
– Overall fitness of the group should increase, as should the workouts
– No Man Left Behind
– Leave No Man Where You Found Him
– :point_up_2:FNG’s end of the bargain – to push himself
– Starfishing
– 4 months after F3 started, needed to make the 1st split
– Told Pax 3 – didn’t like the idea:sob:
– “We got a great thing going here”
– “Don’t fix something that ain’t broken”
– “Maybe someday, but not now”
– “I’m not the right guy for this”
– “I’m not ready”
– “How are we going to split up the Pax?”
– “What if no one shows to the new workout?”
– “Where are we going to do this?”
– He was implying that he saw Dredd & OBT as THE LEADERS
– He didn’t see himself as a leader
– Even though he had Q’ed a ton of workouts
– Even got other Pax to Q plenty of workouts
– He didn’t see himself able to do it
– He had to see himself as a leader before he was willing to lead
– Had to change how F3 was organized as a leadership structure
– Got central organization structure from Campos
– Read The Starfish & the Spider
– Spider orgs = typical top down leadership model
– All power & resources are in the center
– Work gets down out at the legs
– Starfish = no head or central authority
– Center mainly there just to hold appendages together
– If an appendage is cut off, the appendage grows back AND the appendage grows another starfish!
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftddEHxsXtk
– Requires to keep leadership small at the center & push as much power, resources & authority out to the leaders in the appendages
– Ex: AA & Al Qaeda
– Then came too many AO’s & Plant Q’s to manage
– Needed to create regions
– Region Q = Nant’an
– Apache leadership concept
– For centuries, Spanish & American armies could not conquer the Apaches
– For all other Native American tribes, you only needed to kill or corrupt the leader
– But Apaches would keep popping up another Nant’an, with no loss or discontinuity
– The Nant’an was only a cultural & spiritual leader
– He could only cast a vision and ask for others to act on the vision
– They were not forced to obey him
– The only true power he had was to declare someone was no longer Apache
– If he didn’t have this power, Apache groups could behave in non-Apache ways, thus dissolving the Apache Nation
– US finally figured out how to beat Apaches
– Gave the Nant’an cows
– Now Nant’an power shifted from symbolic to material
– This gave Nant’ans the power to reward & punish tribe members
– This caused infighting over resource allocations
– :alert::point_right:This is how F3 will die – make each man care more about himself than the organization or the other men in it:point_left:
– Regional Nant’an only has the Core Principles as guardrails
– Had no expansion plan when we needed it
– Wasn’t thinking they needed expand for another year
– Had to create it on the fly
– Why is the leader called Q?
– Borrowed from Campos
– Qrusader
– Dredd & OBT were Q’ing all the workouts at first
– Once leaders started emerging, named them QIC
– Qrusader In Charge
– Shortened to Q
– Offshoot from Army’s Officer in Charge (OIC)
– Leave no doubt who has the authority AND responsibility for completing the mission
– Getting I2 (Individual Initiative) built into the Q system
– A leader must teach what he knows from the work he has done
– Not just what to do, but why YOU do it that way
– A leader must make clear the mission
– A leader must reward I2 whenever & wherever he sees it REGARDLESS OF OUTCOME
– Leader takes responsibility for the outcome
– Once they were ready to split the Mothership, it had to be a double split
– Numbers had grown so problematic
– A great Q
– Inspire men by challenging them with hard things he discovered for himself
– Sharpens men
– Gradual process
– If too hard or too quick, the blade snaps
– Requires patience
– Takes a long time to teach a man what he knows
– How long depends on the blade’s starting point
– For a man to be a reinvigorated leader, he must be bold & self-sustaining
– Then he will have impact
– F3 wants to have an impact in a man’s community
– Sad Clown Syndrome strips a man of leadership
– Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer
– Gets others to whitewash his fence (set up as punishment) for him (& pays him to do it)
– “Tom discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it – namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain”
– That’s why we make F3 workouts hard
– Not much in modern life that is hard; mostly easy
– Modern day warrior has to search for the hard things in life
– Dredd’s Army PT experience
– There was a system to it
– Dredd had to lead the men in exercises
– Dredd counted cadence
– An exercise is only effective if done with the proper rhythm
– Men counted reps
– Dredd was doing the exercise WHILE counting cadence
– Unlike clipboard trainers
– Couldn’t ask the men to do anything he couldn’t do
– Had to be in a little bit better shape
– Dredd was confident before his 1st time to lead
– Thought it was going to be easy
– But couldn’t get to sleep the night before
– In the morning, forgot everything he had practiced & was taught
– It was so different having to face other men
– Forgot names of exercises
– Horrible cadence
– Out of breath before end of each exercise
– Dredd was drenched in sweat, but not because of exercises
– Done so badly, he was told to try again tomorrow
– Next morning was bad, but better
– Less nervous
– Remembered more
– Had enough breath for some of the full exercises
– Took 10 more tries to get Dredd to lead with minimal competence
– Took 100 more tries for Dredd to get good
– Took 10,000 more tries for Dredd to start making jokes while exercising
– Made PT both hard & fun
– The men started looking forward to PT