[_3rd-f-leadership] 80/80 Marriage: Ch. 7

February 16, 2024
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AO: _3rd-f-leadership
Q: Posse
PAX: Magnolia, C3P0, Posse
FNGs: None
Revealing – What You Say

Slow fades
>>Little things over the years that erode a marriage
>>“You don’t notice when your hearts are being pulled apart ¼ inch at a time”

Even 80/80 marriages have problems
Sometimes, instead of radical generosity, you have to say “things aren’t working out”
Radical generosity ALSO includes revealing the negative feelings (lines up with Q Source of Candor)
>>Clears UNNECESSARY friction in marriage
>>Failing to address these small issues cause small separations

Potholes ➡ Sinkholes ➡ Assholes
High risk in revealing because you’re sharing bitterness, anger, resentment
>>If done wrong, can damage the relationship
>>If done well, can bring y’all closer together
Ask: How big of a problem is this?
🕳Potholes = slow fades
>>Usually fixable
>>Immediately explosive
>>Trigger intense negative emotion
>>Deeply rooted
>>Potholes can become sinkholes if ignored long enough
>>Unlikely to be resolved with Reveal & Request
>>May make it worse
>>Probably need professional help

Reveal & Request
1️⃣Notice when you’re out of synch when you feel:
>>”Things are not fair”
>>Historical Crimes
>>Picking a fight over something meaningless
>>Blame partner for something out of their control
>>Share your emotion
>>Best to use an I statement
>>Tell your partner what 👉specific behavior👈 you need them to start or stop
++Pro Tips++
>>Go for a walk while doing Reveal & Request
>>Speak from radical generosity instead of anger

The response to a reveal & request
>>Kindness / Acceptance of their/your feelings
>>Honesty if you/they can change the behavior
>>View it as an attack
>>Put up a wall
>>Do not affirm them
>>🚨Show that it’s not safe to be emotionally vulnerable with them🚨

Next Week – Chapter 8 Building a New Structure

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