[down_range] Lightening Rod - Portland

February 12, 2025

AO: down_range
Q: U-Haul
PAX: U-Haul
FNGs: None
What had happened was:
Angelic Mosey

Started off as a bit off_the_books while down range. I had a 7 am start in Portland. Workout starts officially at 5:30 and with travel and shower and getting through traffic, it required modifications to start time.

I jogged around the campus 1.3 miles then squats, step ups, merkins, lunges, and some backward walking, all prior to the official start. We did some let say unique dolphin dips, arrow lifts, Superman scorpions, “YELL THEM OUT IF YOU KNOW THEM.” :joy:

As previously stated unique. Oh yes and some angelic mosey. :face_with_rolling_eyes:

See y’all in the “haw” Friday morning.

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