[mount_x] Don’t end up like Peter Carrol

March 27, 2024
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AO: mount_x
Q: Recalc- Keith Balaniz
PAX: Doughboy, Spitz, Elmer’s
FNGs: None
What had happened was:
Popped out of bed, heard some thunder, saw some lighting- headed over to MountX and consulted with Site Q Elmers. We decided if lighting came again in the next 4 minutes we would move to Cutty.
Don’t need a site named after me.

So growing up in NJ, there were various baseball fields around town. One field was called Peter Carrol Field. One day on the way to baseball practice I ask my Dad “ Who is Peter Carrol? And why did the name the field after him?”
“Son, Peter was a young boy who in town who was playing outside in the rain one day and unfortunately he was struck by lightning and was killed” “ He also liked baseball so they name the field in his honor”

We did cinderblock work under cover of middle school. 4 columns were stations did a bunch of rounds at each column and some abb work.

BTW – stopped by Peter Carrol Field about 15 years ago- over grown with grass and not a usable field any longer

RIP Peter Carrol- you bad ass, risk taking son of a gun

Kb – out

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