[mount_x] Old School Chiseled Beat Down

July 12, 2023
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AO: Mount_X
Q: Fuse Box
PAX: Fuse Box, Blue cheese, Elmer’s, Roomba
FNGs: None
When I started Chiseled (now Mt X) it was the first gear site in Waxhaw. It was started as a gear focused bootcamp with the intention that there would be running involved like a boot camp, but using gear for the exercises instead of body weight. During the Covid years, the site morphed into using coupons to avoid sharing gear. While Coupons are good, I think they are over used at all our gear sites so when asked to Q, I try to swing the pendulum in the other direction and use anything but coupons. With that long diatribe out of the way…here’s what we did…

I attended Chastain’s Lycan Full Moon workout this month where he had us partner up and farmers walk 25lb kettle bells. The farmers walk wasn’t bad (don’t worry, there were other parts of that workout that sucked) and I thought I could make it much, much worse. So with that in mind our warm up consisted of a big loop around mount x with one person dragging a hose, another person farmers carrying both a 35lb kettle bell and a 50 lb dumbbell, and the other pax running out and back to rotate through. The original plan was to say that you could only drag and farmers carry once which would push the pax to want to go longer to keep from having your fellow pax to drag/carry too long. But with just 3 pax starting the workout, I decided against any special instructions. About half way into the carry we see Blue Cheese pulling in. He must have seen the look on our faces because it some how took him 5 minutes to get ready and he joined us for the last 1/4 lap.

Partner up.

Biceps: P1 does 28’s (similar to 21’s: 7 full curls, 7 lower half curls, 7 upper half curls, 7 full curls) with a 27 lb bar while the other partner hammer curled 25 lb dumbbell. Repeat 3 times with progressively longer runs in between.

Triceps: Split into two groups. Group 1 is the timer. P1 Drags the hose backwards (working quads) while P2 lunge walks. Swap out until you have completed the loop. Group 2 alternates between 35lb kettle bell tricep OH extension and 10 lb dumbbell kick backs. 10 each and swap until the hose returns. Hot Lap after groups rotate.

15 curb dips, run across parking lot, 15 turtle dips. Repeat 3 times. Long lap back to weights.

Chest: 3 stations and 1 timer. Stations were all chest press using either 25 lb dumbbells, 45 lb plate, or 30 lb dumbbells. Timer was a runner. We did two rounds.

Just enough time left to repeat our warm up and and put up the hose. Riffle Carry the 35lb and 50lb weights back. Weights returned to my car as the clock struck 6:15.

– Thank god Blue Cheese showed up. That opening warmup was tough on just 3 people.
– Light crowd all week, though Cow Bell appeared to have its normal numbers. Either lots of vacationing or lots of fartsacking going on. The kotters report will likely be long this week.
– Awesome to hear Roomba’s take on his fathers burial at Arlington. Not how most people would describe someone’s funeral, but you could hear how proud Roomba was when he shared the details of that day. Shout out to Butterman who made the trip to show support and attend.
– Elmers cracking a joke about it being an upper body day but my guess is the hose pulls will sneak up on him tomorrow.
– Speaking of hose pulls, he may have been late, but Blue Cheese crushed the hose pulls today. Great job.
– Elmers confirmed mileage of 1.7 miles. Not bad when the intention is to lift and only run to get the lactic acid burn to go away. There was plenty of burn today (Elmers said it reminded him of his college years – I’m kidding.)
– Hung around a few extra minutes to stretch with Blue Cheese and got to learn more about what he does for work.

– Friday Lunches
– Blood Drive on Saturday

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