[paper_trail] Change of guard

November 11, 2023
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AO: paper_trail
Q: Cliffhanger
PAX: Kid Rock, Flip Phone, Paper Jam, Cliffhanger
FNGs: None
Kid Rock had an early start, and completed a half marathon. Flip went for a back-and-forth 8 miles. Paper Jam went for a hike, and YHC did a 10k.

The trails were wonderful this morning: the fairies took care of the leaves of the last couple miles, and in spite of the rain, we didn’t have to navigate through tricky puddles or muddy sections.

Paper and Kid passed the site Q duties to YHC. It is going to be hard to fill those shoes—we all appreciate the time, dedication and passion they’ve put in this AO, and the impact they have in our community.

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