[the_appetizer] Franky Goes to The Appetizer

March 14, 2023
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AO: _Appetizer
Q: Franky
PAX: Xerox – William Holman, Southern Tip – Brent, C3P0
FNGs: None
Guest Q by Franky from SOB stepping out of his AM comfort zone and delivering his first evening beatdown.
WARMUP: SSH, IW, stretching, etc
THE THANG: running up road, stopping at lights for alternating combination of merkins and ? (too long ago, fuzzy now). Back in parking lot by COT partner up. P1 runs around lot, while P2 does 100 merkins, 200 ??, 300 squats? And more. I was sore the next day. Thanks for stopping by @franky don’t be a stranger The Appetizer is here when you need it

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