AO: _3rd-f-service
Q: Bratwurst
PAX: Titanium Plates, Endo, Peaches, Cartel, Roomba, Twinkle toes, Cableguy, Das Boot, Stretcher, Buffet
FNGs: None
Great job on Day 1 of the Christmas bike giveaway for Christ Closet. Some tough bikes to get through today, but we still managed almost 20 bike for the kids. Even a couple of new bikes in boxes that were dropped off.
We even had cheerleading from Rag Mustard and Magnolia, and of course Titanium Plates didn’t forget the :beers:
We’re back on tomorrow from 2-5pm and we’re still accepting bikes. Let’s see if we can get to 40 bikes to make the biggest giveaway this year!