[asylum] Alphabet Soup

December 18, 2023
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AO: asylum
Q: Rockslide
PAX: Landfill, Blue Screen, chuck25cole, Mute
FNGs: None
No warmup necessary. DICCs given.

Alphabet Soup: The Q picked out an exercise for every letter of the alphabet from the Excion. Pax then chose their fate blindly in between running aimlessly from point to point. The exercises chosen (and not chosen) below.
Australian Snow Angels x 10
Boat/Canoe x 10
Curb Alpert x 1 minute x 2
Dan Taylor/Lt Dan x 10
—-Elevens x 0
Floyd Mayweather x 10-each arm
Global Warming: Al gore and shuffle in a circle clockwise, burbees x 5, Al Gore shuffle in circle counterclockwise, Merkins x 10
Heals to Heaven x 10
—-Indian Bear Crawl x 0
—-J-Lo’s x 0
Knerkin x 10
LBFC c 10
Monkey Humpers x 10
—-Nolan Ryan x 0
Outlaw x 10 clockwise and counterclockwise
Parking Space Traces x two spots x 5
—-Quarter Pounder x 0
Red Bull Smurf Jack x 20
—-SSH x 0
The BUT KIS x 1 minute x 2
Uhaul x 10
—-V-Up x 0
—-Welsh Dragon x 0
Xs and Os x 10
Yves Poll x length of PetSmart parking lot
Zombie Crunches x 10 x both sides

Didn’t happen


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