[commitment] Maple & me

August 31, 2024
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AO: commitment
Q: Posse
PAX: Maple Syrup, Posse
FNGs: None
Rolling Jack Webb

As commitment & paper_trail were COT’ing, I see Lucky Charm walking his dog (Cash) along Nesbit. The same way Cliffhanger & I 1st met him in Millbridge. The same way I saw him on my way to a nesbit_off_the_books one Thursday. Unlike most men in Lawson walking their dog, LC hasn’t learned to avoid me at all costs.
Happy that he joined the COT. Even happier that he made a connection with McGruff & Fester as Millbridgertons with dogs who are ruck-urious.

– Launchvergiversary – Labor Day, Monday, September 2 at CHS by the stadium
– 9/11 memorial stair climb – Saturday, 14 at CHS in the stadium

No lie, these next 2 things happened immediately after each other with zero collusion:
1. Fester wants to begin an F3 6 week canned food drive as a way to give back. Looking for someone to help co-Q.
2. I took us out with a preplanned JFK quote: “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
How can you act or show your gratitude beyond just saying thanks?:exploding_head:

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