[ruck_u] Lost in the Woods

December 7, 2023
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AO: ruck_u
Q: Rockslide
PAX: Tron, Radar
FNGs: None
Ruck to the Five Stones trail head off the common grounds and in until we received a call from Radar indicating he was at COT.

Ruck to Radar, pick up our fellow pax, and ruck back into the woods. Rucked on trails, off trails, and in search of the trails we thought we were on until 15 minutes remained. Ruck to the gear pile and grab some 6x6s. Ruck around the parking look with stops to hit some exercises with ruck sacks on using the 6x6s. Ruck to the gear wagon (Radar’s ride) and grab the sixty pound sandbags. Ruck and rotate until time runs out and return all gear to its home.

Checked in on events with pax. Discussed Holiday party, Christ’s Closet, and bike repair meet up. Prayers in general from a Ball of Man, and in specificity as Radar works on himself.

Heed Mad Dog’s call to action in your lives for yourselves, your family, and your community.

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