[the_lycan] Not another hill...

December 18, 2023
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AO: the_lycan
Q: Chastain
PAX: Chastain, Dunkin, Premature, McGruff
FNGs: None
“Warm” weather this morning. Started off with my hoodie on but it didn’t last.

Quick mosey around the parking lot with SSHs, Mountain Climbers, and Plank Jacks along the way. Ending with some stretches
6 Count Burpees on the parking lot lines
10 burpees followed by a bear crawl for 2 lines
Repeato with 8, 6, 4, and 2

Mosey to the Wysacky park neighborhood where we discovered a new hill. Naturally we did 7s on the hill with Merkins at the top and Bomb Jacks at the bottom.

Mosey back to the school where we did some wall sits, with alternating Air Presses and Donkey Kicks.

Around to the back of the school and I “allowed” the other pax to name an exercise then run a lap around the ramp and stairs. Repeato until everyone had done 2 laps

Back to the front where we’re mostly out of time so we finished with more 6 count Burpees.

Good seeing McGruff out again!

YHC took us out with a charge to get out of your status quo. Accelerate your life. It might be a workout, a relationship with a family member, or whatever, but don’t allow yourself to be complacent.

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