[mount_x] I maybe overdid it...

September 25, 2024
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AO: mount_x
Q: Rockwell
PAX: Bottlecap, Elmer’s, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Carb Load, O69, Rocketman, Chainsaw
FNGs: None
What had happened was:
Mosey around the parking lot followed by some warm up exercises
Partner up
Partner 1 runs TWO laps around Mount X while Partner 2 works. Then flap jack
Exercises were:
– Jump Rope
– Bobby Hurleys
– Overhead Press
– Curls
– Tricep Press
– Chest Press
– Kettle Swings
After all rounds were complete we finished with a ton of Ab work.

– Weather permitting – clean up project around the ponds at Fivestones. Friday afternoon (3pm) and Saturday (8:30am).