[_playhouse] No running? 😳 Back to Basics

February 25, 2025
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AO: _playhouse
Q: Goodfella
PAX: Penalty Box, Endo, Peaches
FNGs: None
What had happened was:
Since we aren’t allowed to run at The Rock (and Penalty Box reminded me of this fact when I arrived!) today’s Weinke really challenged me. So, we kept it simple.

Combine 5 Core + 5 Strength exercises as a Ladder:

1. Big Boys // Curls
2. Flutters // Overhead Press
3. Freddy Mercury // Bent Over Rows
4. Rosalita // Goblet Squats
5. LBC’s // Curl-to-Press

Start with reps of 5 Core + 5 Strength then ladder up to 10+10, 15+15, 20+20.

Rifle Carry across the lot after each set is complete.

Mix in some 30-60 second elbow planks.

Finish with a few rolls of the old bouncing ball of pain (did some jump lunges, side planks, 2 sets of 20 Merkins).


I appreciate Rockwell giving me an opportunity to lead at The Rock as a thank you for him Q’ing at short_circuit recently. :it: We all worked hard and enjoyed some good conversation along the way.

Penalty Box is a stud and always an inspiration with his consistency and that he works harder than most guys half his age. :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: :goal_net:

Endo and Peaches crushed it today and I appreciate you guys posting.

Prayers for Endo’s cousin and family as she works through her cancer diagnoses and treatments. :pray:

We are truly blessed to be part of F3, to be able to lead other men, and strengthen our bodies to live out our calling and purpose God has on our lives as the warriors and protectors of our families and others.

:crossed_swords: Proverbs 27:17 :crossed_swords:


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