[asylum] The PAX have spoken... toughest Monday AO and Q

June 3, 2024
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AO: asylum
Q: Das Boot
PAX: Flanders, Rockslide, Posse, Das Boot
FNGs: None
What had happened was: There’s been a lot of banter lately about PAX getting soft and if that’s the case, then the AO and Q with the lowest turnout must be the toughest!

Yes, it’s a high standard to live up to, but YHC accepts your compliments with humility. Four PAX showed at Asylum and were rewarded with a mini Death Star of Bear crawls, lunges, Bobby Hurleys, and merkins, but regular and hand release.

Other rewards included discovering that Posse’s shorts have a rip in a very inopportune location and Rockslide spilling merlot — yay, not just dry heaving! What a compliment! Both of those guys brought it and pushed, and Flanders really pushed us all, leading throughout.

Good job, men, and the final reward was the exercise of the week, the pickle pounder. 🥒

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