[body_shop] I smell like worms

January 26, 2023
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AO: Body_Shop
Q: Das Boot
PAX: Hatchet, Das Boot, Tanyatine-Tim Braun, SOGGY
FNGs: None

YHC was in bed, trying to drag himself out and head to the workout when a text arrived from the Q saying the family got sick overnight and he couldn’t make it. That’ll make you jump out of bed.

YHC spent the drive to The Body Shop mentally working on the weinke and wondering how many would show. A plan was devised and four total would partake.

There was a warmup, running to the firehouse, some rock work suicides, squats, and then t-merkins on the arrows in the school parking lot via Paula Abdul. Nothing to flashy but a good workout to feel later with the t-merkins.

YHC did not expect the afternoon to include what you smell later and that came courtesy of the previous day’s rain. Tanyatine texted, “I got home and smelled like worms. thanks.”. Oops. YHC does not remember seeing worms, but he was also trying to to remember how many arrows we had passed.

In definitively un smelly news, it was great to have a site FNG Soggy with us. He’s a man of character and intelligence, as he passed the Floater 💩 in favor of The Body Shop. Good to meet this recent noob for the first time and to have some good conversation. Also great to hear is Hatchet arriving and saying, “I need to Q here again” and then arriving home to see he’s already filled out the Q signups on Slack 💪. And while Tanyatine may have left with the ire and outdoor of worms, he always brings good chatter and brings the challenge to the PAX from the front of the pack.

Great temps, great men to start the Thursday.


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