[border_patrol] Monday morning Starfish run

April 15, 2024
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AO: border_patrol
Q: Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw)
PAX: Kid Rock, Paper Jam, Flip Phone, Damascus, Goodfella (Jim Badolato)
FNGs: None
Kid Rock pre-ran, and then ran directly to the clubhouse bathroom. Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw) led the rest of the group toward the main round about at Carrington and WC Pkwy. Starfish route up and back in multiple directions branching off from the round about.
The newest Gazelle Damascus now has a reputation to uphold and was required to stick with Flip Phone who set the aggressive pace of sub 9 for 7 miles with stupid hill repeats.
Paper Jam is back at it from the nagging knee injury. Great to see him running again.
Goodfella (Jim Badolato) took us out and we are all ready for WTF this weekend!
Prayers and Emphasis on Roomba and his experience and what we as PAX can learn from it to be better!

Tomorrow we can fight over Tuck’s dumb miles…
Damascus’ dumb Q… Or Rubbermaid’s attempt at leading a WTF route through the Cutty trails without getting people lost!

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